Let's go to prison

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yesterday was definitely an "eventful" day.  From frying up a 'supposed' sacred lake. To us staying the night in a village, overrun by the fire nation. To me somehow making a friend, who didn't see me as the enemy, after I told who I really was. which was a nice, if I'm being honest.

Anyway, while Katara decided to go outside to get some water. Sokka, Aang and I are currently packing up and getting ready to leave.

Sokka:" I still can't believe you told Haru that you're the lightning bender. You know how risky that is!?" I huff in annoyance at his question. As this is the fourth time that he has brought it up. As Katara did talk about what happened during our walk last night.

Y/N:" I know how risky it is Sokka-"

Sokka:" Clearly, you don't! Did you forget that half the world wants you-"

Y/N:" I know, half the world wants me gone but as I told you before, I felt like I could trust Haru. "

Sokka:" you and Katara just met him! Yet, here you are telling off your biggest secret. To someone, who could very well bring the fire nation down on us, at any moment!" he finished saying, as he was also pointing at the door.

I just shook my head in annoyance, wondering why Sokka was getting so worked up about me telling someone else about who I was. Just then, Aang soon jumped in our conversation.

Aang:" Don't you think you're overreacting Sokka? "

Sokka:" No, I'm not! He didn't tell me about his secret until he was forced to show it, and we've known each other for- "

" They took him! They took Haru away! "

Katara said as she was now standing right in front of us. As the three of us, all looked at her in her panicked state, dropping our conversation. While also trying to process what she just said.

Aang:" wait, what!? "

Katara:" the old man turned him into the fire nation! "

Y/N:" You can't be serious!? " I said in utter disbelief. As could have sworn that the old man thanked Haru for saving his life.

Katara:" of course I'm serious! Oh spirits, this is all my fault. If I hadn't forced him to use his Earth Bending, this wouldn't have happened!

"Slow down Katara, when did this happen? " Sokka asked as he stood right next to her. Trying his best to understand, what exactly happened. As I was currently left to my own thoughts.

Y/N:" Maybe Sokka was right, maybe I shouldn't have told Haru about me being the lightning bender. He might tip them off about my- No, what am thinking!? Haru wouldn't do that, right? "

Katara:" Haru's mother said they came for him at midnight. " Sokka sighs and looks down for a moment before he answered .

Sokka:" then there's nothing with can do. Haru is long gone."

Katara than briefly walked away from Sokka, right in front of the door. As she seemed to have this posture of determination before she answered back.

Katara:" we don't need to track him Sokka. The Fire Nation is going to take me right to Haru." I then looked up at Katara, after she said that.

"And why would they do that? " Aang asked her curiously.

Katara: " because they're going to arrest me for Earth Bending Aang. "

Y/N:" then they are also going to arrest me too!"  they all quickly turn their attention back to me as I finally collected myself from my thoughts. " I'm coming with you Katara. " I finally declared. Even though I insisted on going with Katara to get arrested and find Haru, she along with the other two seemed to be completely against the idea.

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