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If anyone ever asked me what it felt like to be attacked by a spirit named  Hei-Bai, and live. I Wouldn't know what to tell them. It all happened so fast, yet here I am knocked out in a place where it is completely dark, quiet, and perhaps.. empty.

"wake up."

" who's there?" I ask totally surprised to hear another voice inside my...head? Yet, I couldn't see them. I got no response right away, and just as I was about to sit down and ponder, at where I am. I soon heard that voice once again

"Wake up. You have so much to do, little time to sulk." The mysterious voice said once again, sounding much deeper than before.

"I wasn't...sulking? Who are you, and what do you want? " I asked the voice once again, feeling myself become a bit anxious.

"You'll find out in due time but for now, Wake up, she is waiting.

"That doesn't exactly answer my question. Wait? Who is wait-"

" WAKE UP! " At that moment, as I heard that voice yell in my ears. I was soon jolted awake.

" Holy Spirits that was a weird dream!" I said out loud, not caring if anyone heard me. As I fully began to wake up. I soon realized I was in a small room, on a bed. There was, of course, a small window. Where I saw the sun was now out, and from the looks of it, it was still morning.

As I was about to look around the room some more, I soon felt a massive headache appear without warning. Most likely from the impact of crashing down into one of the buildings. I was about to rub my head in hopes that it would lessen the pain, but before I could. I soon notice a few things that I wasn't aware of before. First, I was shirtless, and without my mother's necklace. I soon started to panic for a moment only until I noticed it on top of my shirt on a wooden chair, right across from me, by the window. Once I realized where everything was. The second thing I noticed was that I had cast wrapped around my entire right arm, with a large white cloth tied to my neck, holding my arm in place. As I slowly realize my situation. I quickly used my left arm instead, to lessen the headache.

"I didn't realize it was that bad? " I said to myself once again.

" your injuries are not as severe as you think ." I quickly looked towards the door and saw that it was Ping, the old man.

" What do you mean by that? " I asked him curiously, while I was still slowly rubbing my head; which was also bandage up.

Ping:" you only have a minor concussion, with your arm only bruised up, but just to be safe. Yijun our village healer, wrapped a cast around your arm and even wrapped up your head to stop the bleeding. "

Y/N:" is the head wound that serious? " I asked, fearing the worst.

Ping:" no surprisingly. Even though you crashed through one of the building rooftops. You only suffered minor injuries, nothing broken but, it would be best to keep the cast on for the rest of the day. "

"Oh, well aren't I lucky. " I said sarcastically as I was about to stretch my back.

Ping:" I would also reframe from stretching, as you could possibly have minor back pain as well." Just as he said that I immediately felt the pain he was talking about.

" YOU TELL ME THIS NOW OLD MAN!!?" I yelled out to him. As I soon fell back into bed, in more pain than ever.

Ping:" I didn't think you would be up so soon. In fact, it slipped my mind completely. I supposed old age is finally catching up to me. "

Y/N:" did you just try telling a joke? " I asked confused, while still feeling the pain on my back.

Ping:" I'm just trying to make light of your situation."

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