Air vs lighting & Lemur!

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Southern air temple

Y/N POV:I'm currently walking with Katara and sokka while Aang is up ahead of us looking excited to finally be back home. While Sokka still complaining about being hungry.

Sokka: you guys think this place might have some food or something?

I scoffed at his comment, still deciding on Whether or not I should just give him his jerky.
To quit his complaining, even though he might get angry that I lied to him.

Y/N:Nah....He's fine

Y/N:Come on sokka relaxes! Shouldn't you be more excited that you get to look around at an Airbender temple?

Katara:Yeah sokka were probably the first few outsiders to ever visit one of these places. Yet all you can think about is food?

Sokka:That wouldn't be a problem if Y/N over here could've snagged some food last night!

Right after he said that I started to become annoyed. The more he kept complaining.

Y/N:Bring that up again and I'll knock you off this mountain! No wait, how about I paralyze you and just leave you here instead.

That when me and sokka stop walking and looked dead at each other for a moment.

Sokka: you wouldn't!

Y/N: you wanna bet!?

I started showing orange sparks in my right hand. To show him I was serious in my word. However I stopped the second I felt someone pulls my ear. I look to see it was katara pulling both of our ears.

Katara:Nobody doing anything to anyone!

Sokka & Y/N:Ow,ow,ow...!

Katara:Sokka I suggest you stop, complaining about your hunger and stop bring up the jerky!! It gone, get over it!

Sokka: ow! Okay I got it katara.

Katara than turns to me, still pulling my ear. While I try to look at her.

Katara:And Y/N, I never wanna hear you make threats like that ever again. Unless it's towards the fire nation! You got that!?

Despite the pain I'm feeling in my ear. I wanted to make it clear that I wasn't really gonna do it.

Y/N:Katara just to be clear I wasn't really gonna..(pulling my ear)OW,OW,OW!

Sokka:DUDE, just promise her!!

Y/N:Ok,ok,ok! I promise I'll never make threats like that ever again!

Katara lets go of our ears. Where me and sokka began rubbing the pain away. To where my mood became annoyed, to now having a sore expression on my face right now.

Katara:Good...I'm glad we were able to get pass this little issue of ours.

Sokka & Y/N:My ear though.

Aang:Um guys? What going on here?

I see Aang standing in front of us looking curious.

Katara:Nothing Aang I'm just helping my two brothers over here work something out between themselves that all.

Aang:Oh, well come on guys, the temple just right over there.

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