We fight for our freedom

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Sokka Pov

Finally! After keeping an eye on those two and waiting around, enemy territory. They're twelve hours are finally up, and boy did it feel like forever, and just the thought of that alone is a huge relief right there. I just hope Aang find them quick, because who knows where and when those guards will show up. With or without Haru we need to leave.

" Okay, Aang. Are you ready? " I asked Aang quietly. As we were currently on Appa near the enemies prison camp.

Aang:" yeah definitely. Don't worry, I'll be quick. " Aang said in a low voice as well.

"and quiet! We don't want to alert any of the guards." I added quickly. Just as Aang was about to take off.

Aang:" Sokka, being quick and quiet is like my middle name."

Sokka:" I seriously doubt that, but okay. " Aang doesn't say anything after that. As he finally decided to go find Katara and Y/N.  And true to his word, after three minutes. Aang did indeed show back over here, with my sister and Y/N, close behind him. Yet, after a moment or so. I soon realized, Haru wasn't with them. "your twelve hours are up guys. Where is Haru? "

Y/N:" He didn't want to leave, not without his father. " Y/N finally said. Leaving me only to sigh in disbelief.

"then come on, we need to leave," I told them. Aang quickly jumped back on Appa readying himself to leave. whereas I then extended my hand to help Katara on Appa. However, she didn't grab it, let alone move. In fact, Y/N wasn't getting on either. As they both stayed on the ledge.

"Come on you two. We have to go now! " I whispered to them impatiently. Neither of them answered me right away. As they both looked at each other for a moment. " what's wrong guys? " Aang finally asked in concerned.
Only to then hear my sister say.

Katara:" We're not leaving."

Sokka: "What?! Why not?! " I asked in utter confusion.

Y/N:" We have to help these people Sokka! "

Sokka:" what?! No, we can't! There's no time, and there are guards everywhere! " I quickly reasoned, hoping they'd drop this and came on Appa. But they both wouldn't budge.

Katara:" No! We are not leaving, and I am not abandoning these people! " Katara said again. Yet, a bit more seriously this time. I was about to argue this further until Aang decided to speak up.

Aang:" Maybe they're right Sokka. Maybe we should help these people. "

Sokka:" Really? Not you too Aang? "

Aang:" It's the right thing to do, and you know it. Aang soon jumped off of Appa and back on the ledge, right next Katara. " Come on Sokka, you know you want to help too," Aang added.

Sokka:" I know it's the right thing to do but, we are so badly outnumbered and were up against a large group of...aww screw it, I'm in. "

After that brief argument with myself. I soon let out a long sigh. Before I then got up and, grabbed my friend's sword. As I then turned around and said.

Sokka:" Just so you know, you are all crazy! "

Katara: "Sokka I- "

Sokka: "I'm in! " they all showed a brief smile on their faces before I then tossed Y/N, his sword. " let's go find somewhere to hide. " I said. Before me, Katara and Y/N sprinted inside the prison. While Aang quickly whispered inside Appa ear to fly away. Before quickly catching up to us, in our current hiding spot. Which was right behind a bunch of boxes, near the barracks.

Sokka:" Okay, so we don't have a lot of time. so, any ideas? " I soon asked. As I currently had nothing in mind. Y/N looked like he was about to say something until Aang, decided to jump in.

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