Expect the Unexpected *

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N/A: The Y/N and Jet fight came out longer than I thought it was going to be, enjoy.

Ps. I know I said that I wasn't going to update this unit the 7th of May, but someone on discord, really wanted an update.

You know who you are, and I'm only doing this just this once.

"As the Avatar. I can assure you all that what my friend just said is true. Despite what you might have heard from the fire nation. My friend here is actually not with them, and is actually going to help me put an end to this war." Aang explained. As he, along with Katara and Sokka. Who now stood, right in between Y/N and the group of people, that tried to attack him in a now-abandoned fire nation camp; deep inside a forest of the Western Earth kingdom, known as, the Hóngsè Forest

"Is that so?" A voice called out in the crowd. Only to soon reveal that it was the same boy, who welded the two hook swords in the fight against the fire nation troopers from earlier. As he now, stood at least ten feet away from the gang, and from what the whole gang could see up close, the boy looked no older than fifteen years old.

" Because I believe, I heard differently. In fact, I think I can recall, on a few occasions. Where I overheard a few 'things' about your 'friend' and, I can guarantee you, that they all heard numerous things about your 'friend', as well; and trust me when I say this. Most of the things we hear from all those fire nation 'vermin'. Well, let's just say, it not very pleasant. Especially when it involves the fate of the world." The boy said. As he was gesturing towards the group that is behind him.

"Right guys?"

"Yeah!" The group shouted out in Unison.

"Guys? I think we should just leave." Y/N said. Who sounded a little worried, as he felt everyone staring at him.

"Yeah, we definitely should be going," Sokka whispered. Katara and Aang eventually agreed to the idea.

"Well, we obviously don't want to cause any problems," Aang said. "so-"

" That was until I saw your 'friend' fight off those 'vermin'." That quickly caught everyone's attention. "I gotta say, from what I just saw. You were definitely not holding back against those guys. Like, jeez, dude! I think you beat that guy in a coma, over there?"

"umm, thanks?" Y/N said. Who looked just as confused as everyone else in the forest.

"Jet? He attacked me." Smellerbee said in disbelief. As she now stood right beside Jet, gripping onto her ribs.

" I saw that, but then again, you and Longshot did provoke the fight, and you obviously don't look like that guy over there." Jet explained pointing towards the unconscious solder by the trees. "And when he saw the rest of us coming towards him, he clearly freaked out. I mean, I probably would have done the same thing if I was in his 'situation'. But your okay though, right?" Again no one in his group said anything, as they all stared at him disbelief.

"Uh, yeah, Jet?...I'll live." Smellbee said as casually as possible, only to quickly clench onto her side once again in discomfort."Have Sneers take a look at you."


"At least, do it for me." Jet reasoned.

"Fine." She begrudgingly conceded, only to stare up at Jet, for a brief moment longer; Until she decided to walk off, to find Sneer.

"As for the rest of you. Look around, and see what you can find." Jet ordered.

"This is surprising?" Y/N whispered to Katara, in complete bewilderment. As the four of them watch Jet dismissed his gang into investigating the now abandoned camp.

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