I feel pretty*

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After Nashi and I  left the dojo. We were able to make our way to Hua garden. We were able to find the lavender flower fairly quickly, due to her garden being relatively small. I offered the woman some money as payment but she refused. Saying that seeing the Avatar's return and bring back hope among Kyoshi island was payment enough. As we were both walking around the village. In complete silence, until I decided to start up a conversation with her.

Y/N:" Well she seemed very nice, can't believe she gave me those flowers with no charge." I said as  I lifted up the small bag, that had the lavender flowers inside

Nashi:" Yeah I'll say, I've never seen lady Hua give out her flowers without any form of payment. Hmmm, then again, you and your friends did come with the Avatar. Who's been missing for 100 years."

Y/N:" So, in other words, Aang really did bring back hope around here."

Nashi:" Yeah, even Jia and a few of the men took the time to repaint Avatar Kyoshi in his honor." That when Nashi and I stopped walking for a moment to take a good look at the repainted Avatar Kyoshi.

Y/N:" you know, If I'm being completely honest with you Nashi. Aang actually doesn't look bad as a woman. Speaking of aang, we really need to get going soon before..."

I couldn't really finish on what I wanted to say as I then hear Nashi start to laugh for some reason. To which I quickly turned around to look at her. The moment I do so, however, she only sees to laugh even more, as I started looking at her, completely confused at this point.

Y/N:" What's so funny?"

Nashi:" did you seriously not hear yourself, just now Y/N? You just said Aang looks pretty."

Y/N: "As a woman I....." As soon as I said that. It took me a second to process, what I just said. To which I tried to explain myself to Nashi.

Y/N:" no..w...wait a minute! I was complimenting Avatar Kyoshi, not Aang."

Nashi:" Aren't you forgetting that avatar Kyoshi is Aang's past life."

Y/N:" No but-"

Nashi:" So by complimenting Kyoshi your pretty much are complimenting Aang, as well." I started to become annoyed. Even more so after she said something that made me want to walk away from her.

Nashi:" I mean are you sure you secretly don't have feelings towards Aang?"

Y/N:" No, of course-"

Nashi:" it's okay if you do. I'm not judging."

" That's it."

Y/N:" it was great talking to you Nashi bye."I was starting to walk away from her but Nashi quickly grabbed my arm to stop me from going any further.

Nashi:" oh come on you know I was only teasing you Y/N. Besides, I doubt Aang would ever want to return your feelings. Just look"

Despite her teasing me, I did eventually turned around to look ahead of me. Only to see Aang talking to katara but I also see the same group of girls standing around waiting for him. I even see momo trying to squirm himself out of one of the girls' grips.

Nashi:" his little fan club is already taking up all of his attention anyway."

That when I notice Katara walking away from Aang angrily. While carrying a basket of food in her arms. I even see momo finally freeing himself and flying towards me and landing on my shoulder.

Y/N:" Hey momo, not a fan of crowds huh?"

Momo then goes inside my coat and hiding, while also poking his head out of my shirt. To which I decided to pet him.

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