Story of my life

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Y/N pov:
As of right now the all the girls are looking at me surprise after what I just told them.

Suki:wait what were...

Miyo:I'm sorry but what were you doing to make yourself fall off a mountain?!

I really didn't want to tell anyone this embarrassing story. So I tried anxiously to change the subject instead.

Y/N:hey how about you all just forget about what I said and I'll just spar with all of you instead.

Miyo:Don't you try dodging the question. Beside I doubt even you could take on all eight of us at once.

Y/N:I mean unless I use my foot stomp.

Y/N:I mean if I'm being honest here, uh what your name again?

It's Miyo

Miyo then cross her arms after she said her name to me. I than started finish up what I was going to say.

Y/N:Miyo If I'm being completely honest here I can probably knock you all off your feet with my lightning stomps. Giving me enough time run outta here.

Hana:Wait a minute you can make lighting come out of your feet?!

Y/N:Yeah, I've used the move a few times against some of the fire nation.

Miyo:We happened to taking us all on hand to hand style?

Suki:hold on,....How bad can your story actually be?

Y/N:why do all wanna know about this so much?!

Suki:Your the one who brought it up.

Hana:an we're all just interested in a good tale right about now.


I started feeling really annoyed that these girls wouldn't let just let it go and just forget about it.

Y/N:I didn't think these girls were this stubborn!

Y/N:I would rather just fight you all right now instead. Than bring up an embarrassing part of my past.

I see suki and the girls start getting annoyed with me. To the point where suki begins to give up, or so I thought.

Suki:You know what forget it,since your so adamant on not saying anything. I'll just ask katara I'm pretty sure you told this story right?

After hearing suki say this I began to panic a little because Katara doesn't know about this either. I would like to keep it that.

Y/N:Actually she doesn't and I don't want her to know?


Y/N:(Long sigh) I don't want her to know that five years ago, I blew myself up off the mountain. All because I was being a curious idiot that day and she'll kill me for lying to her!

Nashi:That it, you just don't want to get embarrassed or yelled at!

You girls don't understand, that day when I went outside of the village to practice my lightning....... I sorta ruined my coat and it looked like a Bomb blew up in my face.

Katara x male reader A Duo's destiny ATLA Where stories live. Discover now