Tony flirting to his oblivious assistant

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Requested by @Cat_Lover1fan. I hope you like it!

Tony wouldn't call himself the most morally good guy. He's always been one to give in his vices. Whether it's drinking, having sex, partying, anything really. That's why when he got the opportunity to hire a new assistant who not only is good at his job, but cute as well, he hired him immediately. Thinking his new assistant, Y/N, is cute, he of course flirted with him. He soon realizes Y/N is a certain kind of guy he hasn't met before.

While behind his desk, Y/N is typing in a document for his boss. With a smirk, Tony walks over to him, already gotten a line to break the ice.

"You know, it's really hard to concentrate on work with you around."

Y/N tilts his head. "Are my typing sounds bothering you? I can try to be quieter."

Tony is a bit taken aback. "Uhh... it isn't the typing."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was panting."

"Y/N, you didn't do anything wrong."

The assistant looks confused. "But you just said-"

"Forget it. Just... continue working."

As Tony walks away, he can't help but wonder what just happened. Did Y/N just mess with him? Or is he really that oblivious? The brunette shrugs it off, thinking it must be a one-off thing.


Back at his beach house, Tony is working in the basement. With sweats coming from his body, his clothes are covered with stains. As music is blasting, Y/N gets downstairs, holding a protein shake.

"Mr. Stark, got your shake ready."

Once downstairs, Tony receives the drink as he puffs. "Thanks." As he drinks, he sees his assistant nodding before walking away. Thinking about earlier, the rich man speaks up. "JARVIS, turn down the volume." Once the music calmed down, the brunette looks back at the other man. "Hey Y/N."

Y/N turns around. "Yes, Mr. Stark?"

Tony flexes his muscles without any shame. "See anything you like?"

"No, not really." Tony holds himself back to facepalm himself. "Especially with your dirty clothes."

This causes the brunette to get an idea. "I'm done with working out, so you might as well take them to the washer."

That's when the rich man removes his shirt. Thinking Y/N will look at his chiselled body, his eyes are instead looking at the shirt. Feeling optimistic, Tony still thinks his plan can work. Thus, he kicks off his shoes to remove his socks. That's when he his short sweatpants drops down. With just in his boxers, he hands over the dirty sweats.

"Make sure to watch them. I tend to get things dirty."

Looking at the stains, Y/N nods. "Yeah, I can see that." He says way too serious. Again, Tony is surprised how oblivious the man is. "Is there anything else I can do, sir?"

"Yes." With a final moment of desperation, there is one thing that still has to be removed. "How about you wash my boxers too?"

"Sure thing."

Tony looks a bit stunned by how unbothered Y/N sounds. "Uhh..."


With each moment Tony wants to test the boundaries, he's surprised by how unaware Y/N is by anything romantic or promiscuous. Basic pick-up lines? Just getting answered by something dumb. Trying to appear sexy? Thinking his boss just need to do another task. With each failure causes Tony to be more creative with how he approaches his tactic.

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