Chapter 1: The Blading Revolution!

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???: "Hikaru! Hyuga! Your still sleeping?! Wake up already!" A women with red hair and eyes yelled as she slammed two pots together creating a loud bang sound.

A boy with blue hair mohawk hair suddenly awakes from his bey in a jolt.

???: "Your going out aren't you? If you don't hurry, you're gonna be late!" The women walks out of the room.

Hikaru: "Oh no!" He quickly jumped out of bed as he tries to awaken his brother who was sleeping in the bed next to him. "Hey, Hyuga! Wake up!" He pulls the covers away only to see that his brother wasn't even on his pillow, he was sleeping under blanket facing away.

The boy slowly peeks his head out of the blankets to show his red pineapple like hair as he looks back up at his brother with a tired expression before laying back down on the bed.

Hikaru: "I'm gonna leave you behind." He says as he get's dressed in a blue suit with a yellow tie.

His brother just mumbles in his sleep as he goes back into the sheets which only aggravates his brother even more

Hikaru: "I am so leaving you behind!" He yells in anger.

Their mother helps them get ready as she gives Hikaru bags to hold.

Hikaru: "I'm heading out!" He yells as he runs out with the bags and his brother, who he has to carry on his back.

Hikaru runs down from their home on the hill as he heads down the street.

Hikaru: "Aww, shoot! We're not gonna make it! Alright shortcut!"

Hikaru runs off from the road to cut across the beach.

Hikaru: "You're so heavy! Wake up, Hyuga!" He shouts as he shakes his brother to finally get his to wake up.

Hyuga: "Oh, morning...."

Hikaru: "Sheesh!" He the sets his brother down on the beach as Hyuga yawns. "Get dressed already!" He says as he tosses Hyuga a bag of his clothes.

Hyuga: "Huh, oh yeah!" Hyuga quickly get's dressed in his clothes.

Hikaru: "Let's go!" Hikaru runs ahead taking the other bag with him.

Hyuga: "Hey, wait up! Hikaru!" Hyuga runs after his brother.

At the stadium entrance, a girl with white hair was looking up towards the stadium.

???: "This is it! I'm so excited!" The girl takes a deep breath to calm herself down. "Okay, calm down let's head in-"

Just when she was about to head in she heard rapid footsteps, next thing she knew she was knocked over by two boys as they run by her. 

???: "Ugh....what was that..." She thought as she got up and headed in.

Inside the stadium Hanami is announcing to the crowd.

Hanami: "Alright boys and girls! Here in Japan we're about to one legendary battle here folks!"

Hikaru and Hyuga run to the stands to meet up with the rest of her group.

Hikaru: "We made it." The two stop to take a breather.

Chuck: "Your late!" A short boy with big lips and yellow in a giant curl berates them.

Renia: "You barely made it, you two!" A girl with orange hair says.

Hikaru: "The hero is always fashionably late!" He yells as he strikes a pose.

The rest of the group looks at him awkwardly.

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