Chapter 14: Raging Storm! Rage Longinus!

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A/N: Double Chapter Upload! Whooooo!

Recap: Last time, after our Trio lost to Lui they chased him through his own dungeon along the way. They each faced different challenges like a Ripcord Challenge and a challenge where you had to take out a certain number of beys. After doing all that, they had another chance to go up against Lui. Hikaru was the first to go up, but even with his strategy of using the stadium he wasn't able to beat Lui. Now it was Hyuga and Hina's turn to take on Lui, how will they do? Let's find out in this Chapter.

Dark clouds were starting to form over the island as lightning started flash, Hikaru was reeling form his second loss to Lui.

Rantaro: "Hikaru..."

Just then it started to rain, not only that but wind started to pick up as well. It looked like a storm was rolling in.

Guy: "It started raining..."

Lui: "That's all I'll give you. Come back when you've gotten stronger."

Hina and Hyuga run up.

Hyuga: "Lui!"

Hina: "It's our turn."

Hyuga: "Battle me!"

Lui laughs as the winds start grow stronger, he then starts to walk away.

Hyuga; "Wait! I-"

Hyuga runs after Lui but just then he was stopped by Rantaro.

Rantaro: "Hyuga! It's dangerous to stay out here in this storm!"

Hyuga: "Let me go! I'm gonna battle with Lui!"

Hina: "You heard Honcho, it isn't safe we have to wait for the storm to pass."

Hyuga: "I'm still gonna battle him!"

He shakes off Honcho as he begins walking again.

Rantaro: "Wait!"

Just then a leaf blows straight into Hyuga's face.

Hyuga: "AAHHHHH! My eyes! My eyes!"

Rantaro: "Guys, we're heading down for now!"

The group: "Alright."

Hanami's helicopter begins to fly to safer place until the storm passes.

Hanami: "We will see you all later!"

Hyuga: "Let me battle!"

The group heads down to a cabin on the side of the island, they plan on staying there until the storm passes.

Hyuga: "Come on, just let me go! Please, Please Honcho!"

Rantaro: "Nothing we can do but sleep. Get some shut eye everyone!"

Hina walks over and puts a hand on Hyuga's shoulder.

Hina: "I wanna battle Lui as much as you Hyuga but we gotta wait. Let's just rest up for now."

Hyuga makes a pouty face as he get's up. 

Hyuga: "Stupid Honcho!"

Hikaru, meanwhile was looking at Helios.

Hikaru: "Helios, I'm sorry. I lost again. This sucks!" He yells in frustration.

Rantaro: "Enough. Just go to sleep."

Hikaru let's out one last yell before sitting down.

Hikaru: "I'm gonna sleep."

Time goes by as everyone in the cabin slowly falls asleep, well expect for Hyuga. He's rocking in his chair as he can't sleep. He remembers how all three of them lost to Lui the first time.

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