Chapter 40: Battle for the Best Team! The Ultimate Tag Series!

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Recap: Last time, all the bladers searched for their Tag Team Partners for the Ultimate Tag Series. Some very interesting teams have formed such as Silas and Free, Lui and Dante, Aiger and Y/n, and Valt and Rantaro. But we also got team ups that nobody expected such as Lain and Shu, as well as Helene and Hina. With no more partners to choose from Hikaru and Hyuga are forced to be on a team. Who will come out on top as the best team in the world? Let's find out as the Ultimate Tag Series Begins!

We start things off with Beynews as Hanami and Wakiya make a few last announcements.

Hanami/Wakiya: "Welcome back folks!"

Hanami: "The wait is over, and the time has arrived! Thanks for tuning in!"

Wakiya: "In case you missed it all seven tag teams for the Ultimate Tag Series have been decided!"

The Bombers were watching the broadcast on the tablet.

Chuck: "Oh wow! This line up is ridiculous dude!"

Reina: "It wouldn't be surprising to see any of these teams win!"

Hikaru: "And we get the chance to battle all these awesome bladers."

Hyuga: "I'm gonna give it my all!"

Wakiya: "For this Tag Team Tournament we'll be using the Round Robin System!"

Hanami: "Right, and that means each team will be facing off against the other at least once!"

Wakiya: "And since we have an uneven number of teams, some teams will battle twice in the same round to make up for it and when a team wins they will receive one point."

Hanami: "And after those battles will come to an end the top four teams will face off in the semifinals!"

Wakiya: "Then we'll determine the championship team in the Finals!"

Hyuga: "Alright! We gotta do this! We gotta win!"

Hikaru: "We won't lose to you Honcho!"

Rantaro: "We'll see about that. Valt and I are gonna be the champions!"

Wakiya: "Alright! Alright! Alright! Let's get things moving along with the matchups for the First Round of the Tournament!"

Hanami: "Match One, Team Hikaru and Hyuga Hizashi vs Team Lain Valhalla and Shu Kurenai!"

Hyuga: "Lain and Shu..."

Hikaru: "Right off the bat?"

Wakiya: "The next two will be..."

The teams are shuffled.

Hanami: "Team Aiger and Y/n Akabane vs Team Free De La Hoya and Silas Karlise!"

Guy: "Awww, we can't miss this battle either!"

Wakiya: "And now for match three!"

Hanami: "Team Valt Aoi and Rantaro Kiyama vs Lui Shirosagi and Dante Koryu!"

Rantaro: "Heh! Time for my little star to really shine."

Wakiya: "And for the fourth match!"

Hanami: "Team Helene and Hina Aspen vs Hikaru and Hyuga Hizashi!"

Hyuga: "Hina and Helene as well?!"

Hikaru: "We've got our work cut out for us."

After the announcements, Hikaru and Hyuga thought about their upcoming matches.

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