Chapter 12: The Oni of the Island Lui Shirosagi!

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Recap: Last time Hikaru and Hina were trying to figure out how to see and talk to their beys like Hyuga did. As they tried to figure it out, the group found out that they had to leave El Astro. But just before they left Valt suggested they had a Tag Battle as a way to send them off. It was Hyuga and Free vs Valt and Hikaru vs Rantaro and Hina. Each team gave their best and in the end Hina and Hikaru were able to finally talk and see their beys. With the battle coming to and end, the Trio and Rantaro left Spain to head back to Japan. What is our Trio gonna do now? Let's find out!

Hikaru and Hyuga were at their family restaurant getting ready to eat.

Hyuga: "I'm starving!" 

Hikaru: "Where's the food?!"

Both of them pound their silverwear on the table.

Noboru: "Just a sec! I made you guys a special energy boosting meal today!"

Terumi: "Stop banging those utensils! Where are your manners?!"

Hikaru/Hyuga: "Yes mom." The brothers put their utensils down.

Terumi: "So how was your trip to Spain and B.C Sol?"

Hyuga: "It was super fun! But also super I wanted to win!"

Hikaru: "The legends are no joke!"

Terumi: "Well now, you two seem to have grown up a bit!"

Just then their Dad comes back with plates, the food was done.

Noboru: "It's done! Churros and Paella!" He sets the plates down in front of them. "A power meal! Extra large for good measure!"

Hikaru and Hyuga fall out of their seats in surprise, they then get back up.

Hikaru: "We ate tons of this over there you know?!"

Hyuga: "But it looks so good!"

Hikaru/Hyuga: "Thanks for the food!"

The brothers start eating there food quickly.

Terumi: "Hey! Chew your food!"

After eating the brothers headed back to the Bombers as they got ready to train.

Hina: "You ready guys?!"

Hyuga: "Yeah! I wanna get stronger!"

Hikaru: "We've gotta train like crazy!"

The three lock their beys in.

Hikaru/Hyuga/Hina: "Let it Rip!"

All three launch their beys in as they clash in the center before breaking away and clashing once again.

Hyuga: "Bang, Bang, Hyperion!"

Hikaru: "Go Helios!"

Hina: "Come on Hura-Te!"

All three beys are launched out of the stadium at the same time.

Hyuga: "Again!"

Hikaru runs over and picks up his bey.

Hikaru: "One more time!"

Hina: "I'm all in to keep going!"

Rantaro: "Is that all you've got?! Put your backs into it!"

Hyuga: "Alright! Hyperion! Let's get pumped!" He yells as he holds his bey in the air.

Hikaru: "Helios! Let's go for a Burst!"

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