Chapter 4: Tag Battle with the Kiyama Brothers!

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Recap: Last time our trio was attempting to pull of a Sparking Shoot, but they were struggling and couldn't nail it down. Just then, Rantaro Kiyama, one of the legendary bladers showed up and he was gonna be the new coach for the Bombers! The training he put everyone through was tough but our trio pulled through. Even though they hadn't pulled off a Sparking Shoot they still were making progress with their own skills. Just then the little brother of Rantaro, Ranjiro showed up. Hyuga took him on but Ranjiro showed he was just as tough as his brother. Now it was Hikaru and Hina's turn to battle. Let's see how they do in this chapter!

Back the club the group decided that Hikaru would go next to battle Cap'n and then Hina.

Chuck: "Next to battle Cap'n is Hikaru Hizashi! Can he get revenge for Hyuga or will it be up to Hina to seal the deal?!"

Hyuga: "You have to give it your all Hikaru!"

Hina: "Yeah, and don't forget to focus."

Hikaru: "I know that already."

Guy: "First Battle!"

Hikaru: "I'm not letting you get the center...I'll go at you with these five blades!" He thought to himself as he held out his bey, a blue aura outline surrounding him.

Ranjiro: "This could be interesting...or not."

Rantaro: "Hey, Ranjiro! He might be tougher than he looks."

Ranjiro: "Same for me Big Bro. I'm gonna show you all how strong I am!"

Rantaro smirks as he turns his head to Hikaru.

Rantaro: "Hikaru, I know you can beat Ranjiro." He thought to himself.

Guy: "Ready, Set!"

Crowd: "3, 2, 1..."

Bladers: "Let it Rip!"

Both bladers launch their beys as sparks fly out of Ranjiro's launcher, but he's not the only one. Blue lighting sparks out of Hikaru's launcher as he pulls off a Sparking Shoot.

Hikaru: "I did it!"

Ranjiro: "A Sparking Shoot?"

Hina: "He pulled it off!"

Hyuga: "Alright Hikaru!"

Hikaru: "Nice!"

Both beys land in the stadium as Roktavor takes the center.

Hikaru: "Get in there Helios!'

Helios quickly races down the slope as it clashes head on with Roktavor.

Ranjiro: "That tickles!" 

Roktavor sends Helios back, tanking the attack is received. But as Helios was sent back it drifted on it's driver as it gained speed.

Hikaru: "Zone Counter! Burst it!"

Ranjiro: "I'm gonna knock you out of the park! Roktavor!"

Helios builds up speed as it drifts towards Roktavor and hits it head on, causing both beys to be sent flying through the air. But Helios hits the ground first before Roktavor.

Guy: "Glide Roktavor, Over Finish! The score is 1-0!"

Chuck: "Helios lands first!"

Hyuga: "Awwww!"

Hikaru: "I was so close!"

Hina; "You almost had him Hikaru."

Ranjiro: "You really...knocked me out?" Ranjiro is shaking with fury.

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