Chapter 7: Listen to the Voice of your Bey!

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Recap: Last time Hyuga wanted to beat Silas and tried to copy his training style to only fail at it. But the other decided to help him with interesting plan of wearing Silas masks to make Hyuga think their Silas. It works and hte group as was able to help Hyuga train. When the time for a rematch arrived Hyuga was able to finally pull off a Sparking Shoot and get the win on Silas! Now our Trio has to earn points in Rank Up battles so they can have the chance to be in the Legend Festival, let's check in and see how their gonna do!

In the National Training Center the Rank Up Battles were getting underway as Hanami started announcing.

Hanami: "Okay, boys and girls! Today, I, the one and only Hanami, will be commentating this event! The National Training Center's tournament for specially chosen bladers is currently underway!"

Hyuga: "Zoom! Zoom!" Hyuga shouts as Hyperion charges in and bursts the opponent's bey. "Zoom!"

In Hikaru's battle, Helios was able to burst his opponent.

Hikaru: "The hero always wins in the end!"

In Hina's battle Hura-Te creates a cyclone as it sends the opponents bey up in the air as it bursts it.

Hina: "Take that!"

In Ranjiro's battle he was able to burst his opponents bey.

Ranjiro: "Alright! Keep'em coming!"

The battles keep going on as everyone continues to try and get enough points to reach A-Rank.

Renia: "Hyuga, Hikaru and Hina haven't dropped a single game yet!"

Chuck: "It's only a matter of time until they Rank Up!"

Hanami: "We have four bladers, left Hikaru Hizashi, Hyuga Hizashi, Ranjiro Kiyama and Hina Aspen! But only three bladers will move on and this battle will decide who. We have Hikaru Hizashi and Hina Aspen!"

Chuck: "Guess I spoke too soon..."

Renia: "Hikaru vs Hina."

Guy: "Only one of them can win and have the chance to move up to A Rank..."

Hikaru and Hina were both at the stadium as they had their launchers out.

Hikaru: "Sorry Hina but I'm gonna win this!"

Hina: "We'll see about that Hikaru, I'll be the one moving to A Rank."

Refree: "Ready, Set!"

Crowd: "3, 2, 1..."

Bladers: "Let it Rip!"

Both bladers pull of Sparking Shoots as the bey land with a thud as Hura-Te took the center while Helios raced around.

Hikaru: "Go, Helios!" Helios charged in to deal several blows to Hura-Te.

Hina: "Hang in there!"

Helios would continue it's barrage on Hura-Te as it knocked it back.

Hina: "Send'em flying! Blizzard Storm!" Hura-Te used it's stamina wings as a white cyclone surrounded it and it charged down right towards Helios.

Hikaru: "Counter with King Strike!"

The two beys clash head on as their both sent flying out, both hitting the ground at the same time.

Referee: "A simultaneous Ring Out Finish, Draw!"

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