Chapter 3: Aiming for the Sparking Shoot!

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Recap: Last time we saw our trio they headed back to the stadium where the legends were training. All three of them challenged Valt to a battle! Valt showed them the power of a Legendary Blader and burst all three of them. Then the other legends got in on the fun but neither Hyuga, Hikaru or Hina could get a point off of them. But now their determined to train to get stronger and break their limits! Time to catch up with them in this Chapter!

Noboru: "Alright! Come and get it! Dad's special freshly baked bread!" The father of the brothers set down a basket of bread for them.

Hyuga just mumbles some stuff under her breath before nodding off.

Hikaru: "Sleeping again?" He asks as takes a bit out of the bread.

Noboru: "Full of nutrition, it'll give you lots of energy!" The father gave a thumbups.

Just then the mother walked over.

Terumi: "Come on, wake up Hyuga! Hurry and eat or you'll be late!" She yelled trying to wake him up.

Hikaru: "Wake up already!, I'm leaving without you!"

Hyuga still doesn't fully wake up, so Hikaru had to carry him again. He picked up his brother after finishing eating and took the shortcut across the beach to get to the club.

Hikaru: "I knew this would happen again!"

As he runs across the beach, someone is looking out towards the sea on a washed up long. He was wearing a giant white coat that had some flames on it as well as having paint brush like hair.

Ranjiro: "The morning sun is calling me..." He smiles as he looks out to sea.

Hikaru keeps running until Hyuga seems to finally awaken.

Hikaru: "You finally awake?" He turned his head to his brother.

Hyuga: He rubbed his eyes as he noticed Ranjiro's hair. "Broom...?"

Hikaru: "Huh?"

Just then Hikaru tripped on a branch and started to fall.

Hikaru: "HEY! MOVE! MOVE! He yelled towards Ranjiro.

Ranjiro leaped out of the way as the twins fell past him. Ranjiro landed in the water as the twins recovered from their fall and continued running.

Hikaru: "My bad!"

Hikaru: "Sorry broomhead!" 

Ranjiro: "I'M NOT A BROOM HEAD!" He shouts as he takes off a piece of seaweed that was in his hair. "You brats! Next time I see you I'll rip you to shreds!"

Hikaru and Hyuga arrived at the club, Hina and the others were already there. Afterwards they all got ready, the trio wanted to try and do a Sparking Shoot like Hikaru did before.

Renia: "Here we go! Ready, Set!"

The group: "3, 2,1...Let it Rip!"

Hikaru, Hina and Hyuga all launched their beys but no sparks flew from their launchers.

Hyuga: "Super Hyperion!" 

Hyperion clashes with Guy's bey and bursts it in one blow.

Hikaru: "King Helios!"

Helios clashes with Chuck's bey and bursts it in one blow too.

Hina: "Whiteout Hura-Te!"

Hura-Te clashed with Renia's bey and bursts it as well.

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