Chapter 45: Friendly Fire?! Limt Break The End and Limit Break Riot!

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Recap: Last time Hyuga and Hikaru continued their battle with Rantaro and Valt but they do to their bickering both of them ended up losing. Back at the Bombers Wakiya gave the brothers a reality check telling them if they lose the next match, they had no chance of making it to the Finals. Hikaru and Hyuga's next match was against Aiger and Y/n Akabane. When things were looking rough the two of them finally got their act together and were able to win the match, their flares shining brighter than before catching the eye of Hina, Lain and Helene. How will the next matches play out? Let's find out!

After the battle they had with the Akabane Twins Hikaru and Hyuga were running down the halls.

Hyuga: "Hikaru! That was such a sick battle! We were going off all over the place!"

Hikaru: "Yeah! And now you and I have finally earned ourselves a point! Hyuga, let's go do some training before we forget about how awesome that just felt!"

Hyuga: "Yeah!"

They run into one of the training rooms, when they are in front of the stadium, Hyuga starts thinking about that moment they had again.

Hyuga: "Focus on the awesome." He thought. "Nice, I know what you're talking about. Together! Yeah?"

Hikaru: "Exactly! That's the one!"

Hyuga: "Alright, let's go!"

The two of them took out their launchers and locked their beys in.

Hikaru/Hyuga: "Let it Rip!"

They launch their beys in as they begin battling.

Hyuga: "Go, go, go!"

Hikaru: "Keep doing your thing!"

Valt and Rantaro are watching them from a distance.

Valt: "See that right there? That's what makes them strong."

Rantaro: "So true! They are the textbook definition of brothers."

Valt: "Alright! We can't afford to lag behind!"

Rantaro: "Sure can't!"

The two fistbump.

Meanwhile outside the room, Wakiya overheard everything.

Wakiya: "And this is all thanks to me obviously." He says as he walks away.

Meanwhile, Lain and Helene were sitting some benches with Hina leaning on a wall.

 It looked like they were all deep in thought, Harry went towards Lain but then Lain opened his eyes as his flare surrounds him. Harry backs away scared.

Helene gritted her teeth as her flare surrounded her. Hina was silent but her flare slowly crept up too. All three of them thought back to the flares, Hikaru and Hyuga showed off.

Lain: "What is this? Why do i feel this way?"

Helene: "It doesn't make any sense."

Hina: "This burning feeling..." She thought.

They are suddenly interrupted by the sound of a vending machine. They look over to see Shu getting himself a drink. He grabs his drink before sitting down.

Shu: "You should already know why..."

Lain: "What'd you say?"

Shu: "Deep down you wanna battle them so bad you can almost taste it."

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