Chapter 8: The Lone Wolf! Free De La Hoya!

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Recap: Last time the Rank Up battles were underway as everyone was fighting their way to get to A Rank. Hikaru and Hina faced off against each other and they gave it their all but Hikaru came out on top. The finalist were Hyuga, Ranjiro and Hikaru, all three of them had to battle legends. Hikaru and Hyuga both lost while Ranjiro got the win moving him to A Rank. Hyuga took the lost the hardest as he didn't pull off a Sparking Shoot. But with some Advice from Valt and the help of his friends he was able to pull it off once again. Not only that but the Trio were finally able to hear the voices of their beys. Let's see what our Trio is gonna do now!

It was another day at the Bombers and Hyuga and Hikaru were doing some practice. 

Hyperion and Helios clashed in the center before breaking away after the clash.

Hyuga: "Super Strike!"

Hikaru: "King Strike!'

The two beys clash with their special moves as sparks fly from the impact, then Helios sends Hyperion flying and out of the stadium.

Guy: "King Helios win with a Ring Out Finish! Hikaru wins!"

Hikaru: "Alright!"

Hyuga: He goes over and picks up his bey before turning back to Hikaru. "One more time!'

Hina: "Hey, don't forget I'm going next."

Chuck: "You three still gonna keep going?"

Hyuga: "Of course we are!"

Guy: "Can we stop yet?"

Hikaru/Hyuga/Hina: "No! Not yet!"

Hyuga: "Alright Hina, bring it!"

Hina: "You bet!"

Rantaro: "Reina, what's the scrore?"

Renia: "Umm, so Hikaru's at 225 wins, Hyuga is at 220 and Hina is at 223."

Rantaro: "Huh, nice. They're pretty even."

Hyuga: "No! I'm losing by five to Hikaru and three to Hina! Come on Hina!"

Hina: "Alright, let's see if I can get some more wins!' She smiled.

Just then they hear a familier voice, they turn around to see who it was.

Valt: :"Looks like practice is going well!"

It was Valt.

Hikaru/Hyuga.Hina: "Valt!"

Valt: "Yo!'

Valt then explain to the others what he's doing here.

Hikaru: "You want me, Hyuga and Hina to go to Spain?!"

Valt: "Yeah! I'm bringing you along with me!"

Hyuga: He turns to Rantaro. "Where's Spain?" He asked.

Rantaro: "Uh...Spain is in Spain!'

Renia: "Spain's got paella, lberian ham,  and churros! And also..."

Hikaru: "B.C Sol!" He shouts.

Valt: "Yup. There is a Blader I want to introduce to you three."

Rantaro: "The guy's a real monster."

The trio looks at each other with slightly confused expressions.

Hyuga/Hikaru/Hina: "A monster?"

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