Chapter 16: Barrier! Variant Wall!

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Recap: Last time, the two mysterious bladers were revealed to be Shu's trainees, Lain Valhalla and Helene. Hina also seems to know Helene as well, these two bladers challenged Lui to a battle and he accepted. Before the battle Shu explained how he met the two and how they have something called Flare, a burning flame that seems to burning everything around it. The battle between the three bladers got underway, Lucifer showed that it had a barrier and Longinus couldn't get past it. Plus with Hydra attacking it as well, Lui was in for a tough one. Lui pushed against the barrier with all his might until Lain unleashed a special move sending all three beys out. The first battle was a draw, things are heating up. Who is gonna come out on top? Find out in this chapter!

Everyone was still feeling tense after that first battle, but things are just getting started. Hanami starts announcing from his helicopter again.

Hanami: "Here we are with Lui Shirosagi versus Lain Valhalla and Helene, and their first battle ended with a draw with a simultaneous Ring Out Finish!"

Hikaru: "What just happened in that battle?" He then turns to Chuck. "Chuck! Show me the part where they finished!"

Chuck: "Okay." He walks over to them with the tablet and fast forwards near the end of the battle. "Here it it."

They watched the replay of Longinus charging in and striking against the barrier.

Hikaru: "Hmm, I can't see very well...can you make it clearer where Longinus made contact?"

Chuck: "Give me a sec." He zooms in and focuses the picture to make it clearer. "How's this?"

As they look, they notice something sticking out from Lucifer.

Hyuga: "I see something!"

Hina: "What is that?"

Chuck: "Let me up the video quality even more..."

Soon they are able to clearly see what Longinus was hitting.

Hyuga: "Zoom in there!"

Chuck: "Yes sir!"

He zooms in on the purple blade.

Hikaru: "The rubber blades?"

Hina: "It has rubber blades surrounding it, that's what Longnius was hitting."

Hikaru: "That makes up the barrier?"

Rantaro: "So that's how he makes that barrier invisible?"

Shu: "As Lain predicted, Longinus was unable to touch Lucifer." 

Lui: "Lane Valhalla and Helene, I trust you two can entertain me even more, then?"

Lain: "I wonder how much longer you keep up that confidence of yours."

Helene: "It's only a matter of time before it cracks."

Lui: "What?"

Lain: "I can see it. You're about to lose your composure in the next battle."

Lui: "Is that what you think?"

Lain: "Yeah. And you're going to fear us."

Lui: "Me? Fear you two?" He chuckles as he smiles.

Robot Ref: "Second Battle."

All three bladers get ready for the battle.

Lain: "Lui Shirosagi! Come! Take on our flare!"

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