Chapter 41: Raging Battle! Defeating the Storm!

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Recap: Last time the Ultimate Tag Series had finally begun with the first match being Lain and Shu vs Hikaru and Hyuga. They battled in the new Stadium with a spinning vortex, the vortex tripped up Hyuga and Hikaru as Lain and Shu were able to completely dominate them, winning the match. For the next battle it was Aiger and Y/n Akabane vs Free and Silas, it was a tight match, but the Akabane Twins were able to win. As the Ultimate Tag Series continues, which team will come out on top? Let's see!

The Ultimate Tag Series continues as Hanami announces the next round.

Hanami: "Alright! We're back boys and girls! Round One of the Ultimate Tag Series rages on after whirlwind of a second match! Team Lain Valhalla and Shu Kurenai and Team Aiger and Y/n Akabane were the first two parings to earn themselves a point! And now for the Third Battle of Round One, Valt Aoi and Rantaro Kiyama cross beys with Lui Shirosagi and Dante Koryu! We're about to finally found out what's hot and what's not!"

Dante: "Aw yeah! Our turn! Okay Lui, time to strategize." He races off.

Lui: "Heh, I didn't expect we'd face off in the first round. Valt Aoi, Rantaro Kiyama, listen close. You better do your best to entertain me."

Dante: "Come on Lui get a move on!" He shouts from the top of the stairs. "We gotta hurry up! Lui!"

Lui eventually walks up to follow Dante.

Valt: "So Longinus and Dragon huh? They're super strong, and back at the Legends Festival they ended up being a pretty tough tag team." He remembers back to when Lui and Dante teamed up for the first time.

Rantaro: "You know we should come up with a strategy too."

Valt: "Yeah."

Valt and Rantaro leave the stands as they walk through the hallways.

Valt: "I got a feeling the vortex is gonna be a problem. Depending on angle you enter, it'll speed you up or slow you down. Whether your bey spins clockwise or counterclockwise it's the same either way."

Rantaro: "Yeah, that's tricky. Guess we'll just have to leave it up to chance. The way I see it, there's no need to worry. All we need to do is give it our all!"

Valt nods as they continue walking.

Meanwhile with the Hizashi Brothers.

Hikaru: "I can't believe we're starting with a loss; we're already falling behind."

Hyuga: "Come on! We still got the next battle and the rest of the rounds left! We just gotta keep going!" He encouraged.

With Shu and Hina.

Shu and Hina were in a training room, Shu thought back to when he first talked to Lain about being his partner. He tightens his grip on Sprzyen.

Hina: "So Shu, w-"

Just then Hina is cut off by the doors opening. The two look to see Valt and Rantaro entering.

Valt: "Shu, Hina-"

Shu: "We're leaving now, excuse us."

Hina nods as she starts to follow Shu out of the room.

Rantaro: "Is that all you've got to say?"

Shu and Hina stop by the door, Shu glances at Rantaro before continuing to walk away with Hina following.

Rantaro: "Yo! Don't walk away from me!" He chases after them.

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