Chapter 43: Crash and Clash! Battle of Legends!

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Recap: Last time after the end of the First Round, Hikaru and Hyuga started arguing due to their losses as they were, the Matchups for the Second Round were announced with the First Match being Team Lain and Shu vs Aiger and Y/n. Aiger and Y/n both tried their hardest to beat Lain with their teamwork, but it wasn't enough as Lain knocked the twins right out of the arena. As the second round continues who's going to win the remaining battle? Let's find out!

Hikaru and Hyuga were sitting by a wall, thinking about the match between Lain, Shu, Aiger, and Y/n.

Hyuga: "They're so strong. Like how do we even win against them, you know?" He asks as he looks at Hyperion. 

They remember how Lain was able to knock Aiger and Y/n out to stadium all by himself.

Hyuga: "Just how?"

Hikaru looks at his brother before, putting on a serious look.

Hikaru: "Training is the only way. We should be focusing on our next opponents Valt and Honcho. There's no point letting Lain and Shu take up space in our heads, same goes with Hina and Helene! So, let's train, come on get up!" Hikaru tries to pick Hyuga up but accidently knocks Hyperion out of his hands as it goes flying.

Hyuga leaps in the air to catch Hyperion as he rolls straight into the other wall.

Hikaru: "H-Hyuga!" He runs over to him. "Hey man. what are doing down-"

Hyuga: "What are you doing?! Apologize to Hyperion right now!"

Hikaru: "For what?! I didn't do anything! Come on, let's get training already."

Hyuga: "You did do something! See! You were like WAAA!"

Hikaru: He furrows his eyebrows. "That's ridiculous, I was only trying to help you up."

Hyuga: "A-po-lo-gize now!" He says as he gets right in his brother's face. "It's your fault that Hyperion went flying away!"

Hikaru: "No it's not!"

Hyuga: "Yes, it is!"

The twins growl at each other as they butt heads, then someone else speaks up.

???: "Hey, what are you knuckle heads doing?!"

 They both turn towards the person talking.

Hyuga/Hikaru: "IT'S NOT-" They stop when they see that it's Silas. "Huh?"

Hikaru: "Hey, Silas."

Silas: "Oh great, what are you fighting over now?"

Hikaru: "We're not fighting over anything!"

Silas: "Well you sure can tell you two are siblings, so if this isn't a fight. Let's call it a family spat."

Free: "We don't have time for this." He says as he cuts in.

Hikaru/Hyuga: "Free."

Free: "Lui and Dante are waiting."

Silas: "Yeah, I'm coming. You're totally right though Free. I ain't got time to be playing childish games with these little pipsqueaks."

Hyuga: "What was that?!"

Hikaru: "Hey, wait a sec! It's not like we're playing around or-"

Silas: "You still don't get it? I'm telling you to stop humiliating yourselves. If you got time to fight on pointless stuff, then go focus on your next battle."

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