Chapter 9: Phantom Dragon! Mirage Fafnir!

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Recap: Last time our Trio was invited to travel with Valt to head to Spain. He said that there was a blader he wanted them to beat. After they arrived, they explored Spain until the trio got lost in a forest. But there they met the blader they have been looking for Free De La Hoya and his new bey Mirage Fafnir. The trio took on Free in a 1 vs 3 battle and used their strongest move Triple Strike but even that wasn't enough to beat Free as it bursts all there beys at the exact same time. How will our Trio be able to overcome such a hurdle, let's find out!

Our trio was still in shock from that battle that happened, they stood no chance against this blader.

Hikaru: "It was a 3 on 1, but we were still no match..." He thought.

Hina: "Our strongest move didn't work..." She mumbled to herself.

Rantaro: "Phew! Free's still a monster!"

Valt: "And yet, those three got him serious."

Free walked passed the three bladers as he heads for the doors.

Hikaru/Hyuga: "Free!" The two turned back towards him as he was leaving.

Hikaru: "Wait!"

Free continues walking as he leaves the room.

Hyuga: "One more!" Hyuga runs after Free as he tries to follow him but as he reaches a split in paths, he has no idea where Free had gone. "Free! He disappeared"

Hikaru and Hina caught up with Hyuga.

Hyuga: "Hikaru, Hyuga! Free disappeared!"

Hikaru: "Don't be silly, he's not a magician."

Hina: "He probably went somewhere."

Valt: "He left for his special training spot." He said as walked up to them as well as Rantaro.

Hyuga: "Special training?"

Valt and Rantaro lead them outside as they headed to Free's training spot.

Hyuga: "One more! One more! I'm gonna get one more from him if it's the last thing I do!"

Hikaru: "How do we beat Free..." Hikaru thought.

Valt: "We're here!"

The group arrived at a lake as Hyuga then noticed Free.

Hyuga: "There he is!"

Free was meditating on a island in the lake.

Hyuga: "That's his special training? He's not doing anything?"

Hina: "I think it's called meditating, I've seen someone do it before..." She mumbled that last part to herself.

Rantaro: "Hina's right. That's Zazen, mediation."

Hyuga: "Zazen?"

Valt: "It helps you train your focus."

Hikaru: "Focus, huh?"

Hyuga: "Alright!"

Hyuga/Hikaru: "I'm gonna do it two!'

Hina: "I think you two have too much energy to stay still for so long."

But by the time she said that, they were already running to where Free was at.

Hina: "Hey! Wait for me!" She ran after them.

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