Chapter 24: Hyuga, Lain & Helene vs Hikaru, Hina & Aiger!

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Recap: Last time the Legend Festival continued with the Group B battle royal. It was Valt, Hyuga , Rantaro, Free, Aiger and Helene. The battle Royal was intense as Aiger showed off his new Achilles with Infinite Shield. But he wasn't the only one that showed off, Helene showed off her flare as the battle soon came down to stamina. But then Hyuga showed some unexpected power that caught Helene and Lain's eyes. In the end Hyuga and Helene ended up tying, both of them got points for the Legend Festival. How will everyone else fair as the Legend Festival continues? Let's find out!

It was night and Hikaru and Hyuga were in their beds. Hyuga was already asleep and Hikaru was looking at Helios.

Hikaru: "Aiger was really powerful in the battle royal and so was Helene. Even then Aiger was able to block all the attacks. But in the end...Hyuga was able to beat Aiger and tie with Helene." He looks over to his sleeping brother who was dreaming of battling. "I'm gonna get the next point!" He says before falling back onto his bed.

It was the next morning and brothers met up with Hina at the beach. Together all three of them started heading to the Bombers.

Hikaru: "They said the next stage is gonna be at a different Location."

Hyuga: "Wonder where at?"

Hina: "Guess we'll have to find out when we get there."

Just then as they arrive at the Bombers they see many people at the door.

Chuck: "They're not here yet!"

Guy: "Please listen to what we're saying!"

Renia: "Please, give us some space!"

The three walk up.

Hina: "What's going on?"

Hikaru: "Did something happen?"

Just then a reporter notice the three.

Reporter: "Oh! Hina and the Hizashi Brothers!"

The crowd of kids turn around as they run towards the three.

Reporter: "We're from Beyblade News! Hyuga Hizashi, congratulations on winning a point in the Legends Festival!"

Hyuga: "O-oh yeah."

Reporter: "You've been quite a hot topic because of your achievements battling the Legends! Could we get a comment from you?"

Hyuga: "I'm gonna go Crash, crash!"

Reporter: "I see, so that's your motto, isn't it?"

Kids: "Crash, crash! So cool!"

Hikaru looks over to his brother with a very obvious jealous expression.

Reporter: "And how are you feeling going into the second stage?"

Hyuga: "I'm gonna crash, crash and win!"

Reporter: "Again huh?"

Hikaru then grabbed his brother's arm so he could face him.

Hikaru: "Don't get a big head! The tournament has just started!"

Hina: "Don't wanna get over confident."

The reporter then turned to Hina and Hikaru.

Reporter: "Could we get a comment from you two? Even though you both lost to a Ring Out Finish, it isn't over yet right?"

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