Chapter 46: Scorching Battle! Dauntless Bravery!

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A/N: Hey yall, sorry to keep you all waiting. Was focusing on some real-life stuff for a awhile but I can at least get this chapter out.

Recap: Last Time, the Third Round of the Ultimate Tag Series was underway! The next battle was Silas and Free vs Valt and Rantaro. It was a tight finish, but Valt and Rantaro got the win with a brand-new move. The next battle was Shu and Lain vs Lui and Dante and with a well timed Limit Break The End, the two were able to win as well. Next was Hina and Helene vs Valt and Rantaro, it was an intense battle as both sides didn't give in but in the end Hina and Helene were the winners. But the end of the battle Helene's flare seemed to change to a crimson color and Hina wondered what was happing to her sister. What will happen now as we head into the fourth round? Let's find out!

The First Match of the Fourth Round of the Ultimate Tag Series was underway and the first match was Shu and Lain vs Free and Silas!

Fafnir and Spryzen clash head to head with one another until Fafnir's driver is pushed down. It suddenly shoots off at high speeds.

Free: "Nothing Break!"

Shu: "Spryzen, stop them now!"

Spryzen headed into the vortex as it picked up speed heading towards Fafnir.

Shu: "Now, World Whip!"

The two bey clashed with each other in an intense fashion as Lucifer and Satomb we're going at it.

Silas: "Alright! You're done for!"

Lain: "We'll see about that! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" He shouts as his flare surrounds him; Lucifer starts to push Satomb back against the wall.

Silas: "Tear'em a new one! Satomb!" He yells as his aura surrounds him and he starts to push against Lucifer.


The two soon push so hard that both beys are sent flying, Lucifer stays in and hits the wall while Satomb goes flying out.

Silas: "What the-!"

Lucifer then charges in, hitting and Fafnir out of the way.

Lain: "You're mine!"

Lucifer starts to barrage Fafnir with a flurry of blows trying to force it back.

Free: "You have to try harder than that. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! FAFNIR!" He closes his fist and shouts as he and his bey are surrounded in a yellow aura. The avatar Fafnir appears as it spreads it wings and prepares its claws for battle. "MIRAGE CLAW!"

Fafnir charged straight towards Lucifer.

Lain: "Too easy! The End Wall!"

Lucifer created a barrier around itself as it delfected Fafnir's attack sending it away.

Shu: "World Whip!"

Spryzen comes in with the assist as it strikes Fafnir, sending it out of the ring.

Referee: "Lucifer The End and World Spryzen are the winners!"

(This battle was just asking to be rewritten so makes more sense)

Hanami: "And the end has been brought. Lain Valhalla and Shu Kurenai land yet another win! Giving them a total of four points!"

Silas: "Are you kidding me, that was all so bogus!"

Free: "But you can't deny they used the vortex perfectly."

Hanami: "Now with that done! Let's look at the score board!"

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