Chapter 36: Tag Team Showdown! Valt & Shu!

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Recap: Last time, Shu faced off against Lain and Helene with his bey World Spryzen. He created his bey just for Lane and Helene and it really showed in their face off. Shu was determined to defeat the both of them and with one last counterattack, he was able to win and burst both Lucifer and Hydra. Both Shu and Hina were hoping that this would battle would bring them back but just from one look on Lain and Helene's faces, they could tell they weren't coming back. What will the group do now after that intense battle? Let's find out!

It was the day after Shu's battle with Lain and Helene and the Bombers were at their club doing the usual training.

Hikaru: "Alright!"

Hyuga: "Gonna push super hard today!"

Hikaru: "Let's go Hyuga!" 

Hyuga: "Bring it on!'

Hikaru and Hyuga were both getting ready to battle.

Chuck: "Both of them are really hype up, huh?"

Reina: "Yeah that battle between Lain, Helene and Shu must've lit a fire under them!"

Chuck: "Well except for..." He looks over to see Hina off to the side, sitting on a bench.

Reina: "Hina..."

Chuck: "I honestly feel bad for her."

Reina: "I know, even that battle with Shu didn't bring her sister back, but let's give her some space."

Chuck: "Alright."

Hikaru: "We gotta train a whole lot more!"

Hyuga: "And then we'll become powerful like Shu!"

Guy: "Ready and Set!"

Group: "3, 2, 1..."

Bladers: "Let it-"

Then a wild Valt suddenly appears!

Valt: "Hey!"

Hikaru/Hyuga: "...Rip?!" They stop themselves from launching.

Valt: "Sorry guys."

After getting the group together, Valt explained why he was here.

Hikaru/Hyuga/Hina: "A Tag Battle?"

Valt: "You wanna? It'll be Hyuga, Hikaru and Hina versus me and Shu."

The trio looks at each other before turning back towards Valt.

Hyuga: "Of course we do! Tag Teaming against you and Shu in a battle sounds totally awesome!"

Valt: "Alright! It's settled! Then the match will be tomorrow at the Training Center."

After telling them that, Valt headed over to tell Shu at the Training Center.

Valt: "So if you're okay with it, we're gonna have a Tag Team Battle with Hyuga, Hikaru and Hina."

Shu: "Those three?"

Valt: "Hyperion, Helios and Hura-Te's new Limit Break System is something else. They started a revolution1 We can't fall behind them, can we? So, let's practice!"  

Meanwhile at the abandoned factory, Lain and Helene were training with their beys. They both think back to after they were beaten by Shu.


Lain and Helene just sit there in shock, they lost even after all that. They still lost...they look up to see Shu and Hina.

Shu: "Well you two? I've beaten your flare we can end this now..."

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