Chapter 44: Burn, Flare, Spark!

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A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR YALL! And yes, I am super late to this, but I got caught up with irl stuff, but I should be getting back into writing these chapters. And for those who have been reading Friends Till the End, I have been working on the book so you might expect another chapter appearing. Anyway, let's get back to this book!

Recap: Last time the Ultimate Tag Series continued with the second-round match ups. The next match being Lui and Dante vs Free and Silas. It was an intense battle as the legends faced against each other but in the end, Silas was able to snag the victory for his team. After that amazing battle Hina and Helene had to face Silas and Free next. It looked like Silas and Free had the match but with some quick thinking from Hina, her and Helene were able to win. It was now Hikaru and Hyuga's turn as they off against Valt and Rantaro. Can they work together and overcome the Legends? Let's find out!

Back at the stadium, the Tag Team Match between Valt and Rantaro and the Hizashi brothers continues!

Valtryek and Hyperion clash head on with each other before breaking away.

Valt: "Not bad!"

Hyuga: "You ain't seen nothing!"

Helios and Roktavor clash head on as well before they break away.

Rantaro: "How's that?!"

Hikaru: "Splitting up isn't helping! Hyuga, we have to join forces!"

Hyuga: "I got it! Don't worry!"

Lain and Helene watch on from the stands.

Lain: "All of them are fools."

Helene: "The outcome is already decided."

Hina and Shu look at the two before their gaze turn back to the battle.

Hina: "Get it together you two..." She thought.

Hyperion uses the stadium incline to swing around as Helios goes straight for Valtryek.

Hikaru: "We'll do a pincer attack!"

Hyuga: "I'll take him out myself!"

Valt: "I'm not gonna let you!"

Valtryek evades the two by using the vortex to change direction.

Hikaru: "It disappeared?!"

Helios and Hyperion smash into each other and active their limit breaks as they are flung back.

Hyuga: "Stop getting in my way!"

Hikaru: "That's not what happened!"

Rantaro: "Stop it! Focus on the match!"

Valt: "Honcho!"

Rantaro: "Oh yeah! My bad!"

Lain: "Utterly worthless. It's over."

Valt: "Okay, let's go Honcho!"

Rantaro: "Right on!"

Valt: "HURRRRRRAAAAA VALTRYEK!" He shouts as a blue aura surrounds him and his bey. The avatar Valtryek appears on its trusty steed as it braced its sword.

Rantaro: "Do your thing and knock them all away! ROKTAVOR!" An orange aura surrounds him and his bey as the avatar Roktavor appears with flames surrounding it as it roars.

Valtryek and Roktavor both slam into Helios and Hyperion sending them in the air and bursting them.

Referee: "Brave Valtryek and Glide Roktavor are the winners!"

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