Chapter 5: Hina's Resolve!

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Recap: Last time, it was Hikaru and Hina's turn to face off against Ranjiro. Hikaru went first and took on Ranjiro, even though he lost the first round he was still able to knock Roktavor out. But then when the trio were arguing about who would go next, Ranjiro challenged all three of them to a 3 vs 1. But Rantaro joined in making it a Tag Battle, it was the Kiyama Brothers vs Team Triple H. Just when things were looking rough they were able to come up with a new Special Move, Triple Strike and they were able to win! What are our trio up to now? Let's find out!

It was another day at the Club as everyone was getting ready for another day of training

Rantaro: "Alright! We all here? It's time for your daily training!"

Hikaru/Hyuga/Hina: "Yes, sir!"

Hyuga: "I know I'll do a Sparking Shoot today!"

Hina: "Same here!"

Hikaru: "I'm gonna increase my attack power!"

Rantaro: He nods. "First, you gotta give me ten laps around the beach!"

Hikaru: "Ten laps?"

Hyuga: "Let's do it!"

Hina: "Right."

The trio runs off towards the beach to do their laps.

Rantaro: "I like the cut of their jib."

The other three turn to Ranjiro.

Guy: "Um...Do we have to run too?"

Rantaro: "Of course you do!" He yells at the three.

They quickly head onto the beach with Hikaru, Hina and Hyuga.

Rantaro: "Geez, do they even want to get better?"

The other three struggle running around the beach as they get passed by Hina, Hikaru and Hyuga.

Hyuga: "Zoom, Zoom!"

Then they come back around running back passed the group finishing a lap, with the twins pulling ahead of Hina.

Hikaru: "Helios Dash!"

Hina: "I'm not gonna fall behind! Not again!" She thought as she started to run faster to catch up with the twins.

After running their laps, they headed back inside to do launches on the Ripcord Machine.

Hyuga: "Let it Rip!"

Hikaru: "Let it Rip!"

As the start Hina's voice cuts through theirs. 

Hina: "LET IT RIP!" She pulls the ripcord very hard.

Hyuga: "Hina's really going all in, we can't fall behind!"

Hikaru: "Right!"

They started pulling harder on the ripcord.

Rantaro: "Lower you three!"

Hina/Hikaru/Hyuga: "Sorry..."

The readjust their stance as they get back to launching.

Rantaro then looks towards the other three and notice they are struggling with pulling the cord compared to the trio of Hikaru, Hina and Hyuga. He just sighed.

Afterwards they all headed back to the stadium as they were getting ready to battle.

Rantaro: "Next we're going to battle!"

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