Chapter 42: Crash! All of Their Bonds!

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Recap: Last time the First Round of the Ultimate Tag Series continued with the next battle of Team Lui and Dante vs Team Valt and Rantaro. Before the battle, Rantaro confronted Shu and Hina about why they teamed up with Lain and Helene, after the two gave a stern answer, it left Rantaro even more frustrated. The battle with Team Lui and Team Valt begins with both sides determined to win, but in the end Lui's team came out the victor. The next battle was Team Hikaru and Hyuga vs Team Helene and Hina. The brothers tried their best, but the sister's teamwork was too much as they pulled off their own Twin Strike, taking out the brothers. We are now heading into the Second Round, who will get points this time? Let's find out!

The sun was setting as Hikaru and Hyuga were training at the Bombers.

Hyuga: "Do it, Hyperion!"

Hikaru: "Helios!"

Hyperion and Helios clashed with each other, but Hyperion is sent flying out of the stadium.

Hyuga: "Huh?!"

Hikaru: "What? Again?"

Hyuga: "What do you mean?!"

Hikaru: "You've been doing the same attack over and over! That's why always lose to Lain and Helene!"

Hyuga: "Helios lost to them too you know?!"

Hikaru: "it would've won without you in the way!"

Hyuga: "Hyperion would've won too!"

Reina: "Okay you two, that's enough."

Chuck: "Arguing not's gonna help anything dudes."

Hyuga: "This is all cause of Hikaru!"

Hikaru: "No you!"

The brothers turn their backs to each other, refusing to face the other. Back at home the brothers still refused to face each other as they ate, that was until...

Hikaru/Hyuga: "More please!" They hold out their plates before facing each other,

Hyuga: "I asked for more before you!"

Hikaru: "You are such a liar!"

Hyuga: "I was first!"

Hikaru: "No you weren't!"

Hyuga: "Uh, yes I was!"

Hikaru: "Were not!"

In their bedrooms the brothers were cleaning their beys.

Hikaru: "Helios, let's work hard in the second round."

Hyuga: "You won't work as hard as us."

The brothers stare at each other before scoffing and looking away from each other.

Terumi: "They've been like that since that got back. Do you think they're, okay?"

Noboru: "Yes, of course they are. All siblings have ups and downs. They'll figure it out eventually."

The next day, Wakiya arrived at the Bombers to check on the brothers.

Wakiya: "Hey Hikaru and Hyuga are you here? I took time out of my schedule to help you out, and you repay me with whatever those first two matches were? Those battles were nothing short of absolute chaos. I'm gonna have to train you both from square one."

He then looks inside to see the brothers training separately.

Hikaru: "Okay then, Helios!"

Hyuga: "Go Hyperion!"

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