Chapter 30: Sister Showdown! Hina vs Helene!

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A/N: Okay just before we start this chapter I gave Hina a redesign. I used the same picrew I used to make Helene's. So they both should seem similar now.

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Recap: Last time the battles for the Semifinals were announced, the battles were Aiger vs Lain, Hina vs Helene and Valt vs Hyuga. The semifinals started off with a heated battle between Aiger and Lain, with a new strategy up his sleeve, Aiger was getting close to breaking through Lucifer's barrier. But in the end Lain ended up beating the World Champion with a Burst Finish. The next battle is going to be Hina vs Helene, this was going to be Hina biggest battle yet. How will she fair? Find out now!

Hikaru and Hyuga were on there way to the Bombers to do some more training.

Hyuga: "I gotta make sure I'm ready for my match against Valt!"

Hikaru: "And I'll help you!"

The two run inside and see Hina, training.

Hina: "Let it Rip!" She was doing launch practice. "Still not enough....Let it Rip!" Sweat was pouring down her face as her hair was mess, a sweat puddle was starting to form around her.

Hikaru and Hyuga looked over to see the other Bombers watching Hina.

Hikaru: "Guys, how long has seen been at this?"

Guy: "We don't know."

Chuck: "We walked in and just saw her training!"

Reina: "She must've gotten up really early."

Hikaru: "Did you guys talk to her?"

Guy: "She completely zoned us out..."

Hikaru walked up to Hina.

Hikaru: "Hey, Hina you should take a break. How long have you've been going?"

Hina: "I can't stop, I have to beat Helene...Let it Rip!"

Hyuga: "Yeah, but your gonna tire yourself out!"

Hikaru: "You look like your about to collapse any second, have you eaten anything?"

Hina: "It's a-alright, I'll b-be fine." Her body started shaking a bit. "Let it...Rip-" She pulled off a weak launch as she was panting heavily.

Hikaru: "Hina you need to seat down and take a break."

Hina: She turned around to face Hiakru. "Didn't I say....I.....was....f-......fine...." She suddenly collapse on the ground.

Hikaru/Hyuga: "HINA!"

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