Chapter 26: A True Hero! Tag Battle Style!

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Recap: Last time the Legend Tournament continued with more Tag Team Battles. The next Tag Battle was Valt and Free vs Silas and Rantaro. From spying on the group our trio saw how hard Silas and Rantaro wanted to beat the both of them. Their determination to win really shined in the battle giving everything they've got but in the end Free was just barely able to win for his team. So far the Legends Festival has intense since the start, how fierce will it get?! Let's find out!

Hanami: "Alright! Boy and Girls! We are at the Legend Festival's second stage! And as of this moment, not a single blader has managed to gain more than one point! This is going to be a close battle! Only six can make it to the final stage! Everyone still has a chance!"

Hyuga: "I'm definitely make top six!"

Hikaru: "Me too! I'm gonna win!"

Hyuga: "I'm gonna win more!"

Hikaru: "I'm gonna win more, more, more!"

Hina: "We'll see!"

Rantaro: "The ones with zero points are me, Silas, Lui and Drum."

Silas: "They've got two more battles left. But we've only got one more chance."

Rantaro: "Win or bust, huh?"

Hanami: "Alright, time to swap around the competitors! First we'll decide on the reserve team! The third match will have last round's reserve team, Lui Shirosagi and Dante Koryu!"

The screen started shuffling the bladers that were left.

Hanami: "And here are their opponents! Hikaru Hizashi and Rantaro Kiyama!"

Hikaru: "Whoa! I'm paired with Honcho!" He beams with sparkles in his eyes.

Rantaro: He turned towards Hikaru. "You're my partner, eh? Let's take'em both down!" 

The two of them fistbump.

Hanami: "And for the fourth match! We've got Aiger Akabane and Lain Valhalla vs Silas Karlisle and Dante Koryu vs Helene Aspen and Hina Aspen!"

Dante: "Alright! I get to battle in the third and fourth round! Time to rise up like crazy and make it to the final stage!"

Silas: "Ha! I'll crush them flat!"

Hina just stares at the board, silent about who her teammate was she then looked over to Helene and Lain.

Lain:  "Aiger Akabane? Seriously?"

Helene: "I have to team up with her? Just great..."

Lain: "This means we're going against each other."

Helene: She turns to him and nods. "And I'll win."

Lain: "We'll see."

Lain looks towards Aiger, while Helene shoots a glare towards Hina causing Hina to look away.

Aiger: "Who would've thought that we'd be paired together?" He looked towards Lain.

Hanami: "And the fifth match will be...Free De La Hoya and Lui Shirosagi vs Valt Aoi and Hyuga Hizashi!"

Hyuga: "I'm partners with Valt! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" He shouts as he stands next to Valt.

Hanami: "Oh my goodness! Free De La Hoya and Lui Shirosagi! We've got a fierce team up between these Legends!"

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