Chapter 18: Is this a Dream?! Or a Nightmare?!

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Recap: Last time the group has returned to the Bombers after there encounter with Lain and Helene. The group were finally able to get Hina to talk and they were able to learn about her past with Helene. The two of them were very great sisters and enjoyed having fun with each other and always caring for each other. But when they started Beyblade things started to change. Hina actually found something that she could beat Helene in and she could never beat her. Helene never understood why she kept losing and tried to find an answer. But that search for an answer soon turned into obsession. Helene made Hydra and used it against Hina easily beating her with her flare and causing her bey to hit Hina in the eye, making the scar she has now. The group was in shock to hear Hina's story but they were determined to support her and help her. Knowing her friends have her back Hina has a new goal, to bring her sister back! Let's see how everyone is doing in this chapter!

It was another day and the trio was at the beach looking out towards the sea.

Hikaru: "We couldn't win. Not even once."

They thought back to how they did against Lui.


Lui: "Raging Upper!" He shouts as he does them same swirling movement as before, his fist engulfed in purple energy and his eyes going purple.

The Upper blade of Longinus glows purple as it strikes Helios head on. A purple beam shouts from the stadium as it kicks up wind. Helios is sent into the air as it bursts.

Flashback ends

Hikaru: "That's the strength of a Legend..."

Hina: "There is also..."

They all thought back to Lain and Helene.


Lain/Helene: "BURST!"

Longinus is sent flying into the as it then bursts.

Flashback ends

Hikaru: "We can't lose to them! Heroes make comebacks! We'll get out revenge at the Legend Festival!"

Hyuga: "Yeah!'

Hina: "Agreed."

At the National Training Center, Ranjiro was waiting for the trio.

Ranjiro: "They're late...what the heck are they doing?"

Just then the group comes running through the doors.

Hyuga: "Special training! Special training!

Ranjiro: "Hey been waiting for ya!" He runs up to them.

Hina; "Cap'n?"

Ranjiro: "So how'd it go?"

Hikaru: "How'd what go?"

Ranjiro: "I'm talking about Variant Lucifer and Disturbance Hydra, of course!"

The group was surprised to hear that Cap'n knew about this.

Ranjiro: "They burst Longinus, right? They are gonna be a big hurdle at the festival for sure!"

Chuck: "Cap'n officially got invited to the festival." He whispered to the group.

Hikaru: He then looks back to Ranjiro. "Then ask Hyuga, he actually battled them."

Ranjiro: "You did?! Seriously?!"

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