Chapter 35: Spirit of Flame! World Spryzen!

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Recap: Last time, Hyuga, Hikaru and Hina finished their new beys and they had the chance to test them out against Valt, Y/n and Dante. The three bladers showed off their flares as well as a new Limit Break System they added to their beys. After battling, Rantaro and Valt got huge news from Ranjiro that Shu was going to face Lain and Helene! Will Lain and Helene overcome Shu or will Shu put a stop to them? Let's find out!

Inside the abandoned factory, Lain, Helene and Shu stared each other down.

Shu: "Lain, Helene, I can't let you two become even greater monsters than you are now. World Spryzen and I will take on anything you can throw at us!" He holds out Spryzen.

Lain: "I'd like to see that you sound so sure." He scoffs

Helene: "You really think you can win against us?"

Just then the others ran in.

Ranjiro: "This way Rantaro!"

The others look to see the three.

Hikaru: "Shu Kurenai!"

Hyuga: "Lain!'

Hina: "Sis!"

Hyuga: "Those two-!"

Valt: "Stop! Let Shu take care of this." He looks over to Shu as Shu nods at him.

Lain: "World Spryzen...did you go through the trouble of evolving it just for us?"

Shu: "Yeah."

Helene: "I guess we should be honored.'

Lain and Helene took a closer look at Spryzen.

Lain: "Looks like it has a reversible spin...interesting."

Helene: "Knowing you, you probably have another trick up your sleeve."

Hyuga: "Wait, what's she talking about?"

Hikaru: "I don't know. I think they are sensing something from Spryzen."

Hina: "I wonder what it could be..."

Lain: "This is definitely a bey worth crushing." He smirks. "Shu Kurenai, I've wanted to defeat you for so long now..."

Helene: "He's not the only one...I wanted to defeat you as well, ever the day we first met..."


Lain and Helene were both walking out of the stadium, they were gonna go their sperate ways until they see Shu.

Lain: "Shu Kurenai."

Helene: "What is he doing here?"

Shu: "Lain, Helene, I saw your battle. That fiery spirit you two have is on the brink of going berserk, it's even worse for you Helene. So how about you join me at the Ragging Bulls?"

Lain: "Can you take on my Flare? This flame rising and burning inside me?"

Helene: "You say mine is worse, So I'm assuming you can handle and help me with it."

Shu: "Yeah."

Lain grins after hearing this.

Lain: "I'll join."

Helene: "Same here."

Inside the Raging Bulls, Shu was in the training center getting ready to teach Lain and Helene.

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