Chapter 25: Old Friends! Same Rivalries!

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Recap: Last time, the Legend Festival switched locations to the Grand Stadium, now their were going to be Tag Team Battles. The first battel was Hyuga, Lain and Helene vs Hikaru, Hina and Aiger. While Lain and Helene refused to train or plan with Hyuga, Aiger trained with both Hikaru and Hina. Soon the time to battle had arrived and bladers faced off. Lain held off Hikaru and Aiger while Helene faced Hina. Just when things were looking worrisome Hyuga came out of nowhere sending every bey flying, Hura-Te, Helios and Hyperion all went out. of the stadium. With Aiger, Lain and Helene being the only ones left in the stadium, Aiger showed his true power as his hair went crimson. He was able to take out both Lain and Helene, winning the match for his team. The two black suns stared down Aiger as they gave a crazed grin. Hina could only look on worried for her sister. How will the rest of the matches go? Let's find out!

At the grand stadium Hikaru was chatting with his friends back in Japan on his pad.

Renia: "Your battle with Hyuga and Hina was amazing!"

Hikaru: "You guys were watching?! Wait...isn't it nighttime over there?"

Chuck: "We don't care! If our friends are battling, we'll pull all-nighters any day!"

Guy: "Chuck was sound asleep though."

Chuck: "N-no I wasn't!' He looks away nervously as he crosses his arms.

Guy: "Yes, you were."

Chuck: "Come on, I wasn't!"

Guy: "You were drooling!"

Chuck: "No, I wasn't! Stop lying!"

Renia went back tot talking with Hikaru.

Renia: "So what was it like battling with Aiger?!"

Hikaru: "It was the best! And he started training again right after the battle! Just as I thought, Aiger is the strongest blader in my eyes!"

Guy: "You're an even bigger fan that before!"

Renia: "Tell Hyuga and Hina, that we're cheering for them too! Hyuga must be pretty down after losing that match.

Just then Hikaru hears Hyuga as he looks up. Hyuga was jumping up and down on a bed.

Hyuga: "Zoom, Zoom! Bang, Bang! I'll win the next one!"

The others hear him as well.

Chuck: "Looks like there's nothing to worry about..."

Meanwhile in another room, Valt and Free were training for their match.

Valt: "Let's go, Free! Our next Battle is against Honcho and Silas, we gotta beat'em!" He holds out his launcher but Free isn't looking at him. "What's wrong?"

Free: "Lain Valhalla is strong, as well as Helene Aspen. Lain is much stronger than when I fought him in New York. The same probably goes for Helene. It's like they're different people. Plus that burning flare of might be a beacon severing to strike fear into our beys."

Valt's eyes widen before he puts on a stern look.

Meanwhile outside the stadium Lain and Helene were standing over a cliff edge looking down towards the grand stadium.

Lain: "Aiger Akabane..."

Helene: "A blader that is capable of igniting our Flare..."

They both think of how Aiger was able to beat the both of them during the battle Royal. Just then they notice someone behind them, they turn around to notice that it was Lui.

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