Chapter 48: We can do it! Or Maybe Not!

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Recap: Last time the Final Round of the Ultimate Tag Series was underway. The First Round was Aiger and Y/n Akabane versus Dante Koryu and Lui Shirosagi. Aiger and Y/n tried to use their combination technique but Dante and Lui countered with their own. In the end Lui and Dante got the win on the twins. As we head into the next battles, who else will join Shu, Lain, Hina and Helene in the semi-finals? Let's find out!

A/N: I FINALLY GOT THIS CHAPTER OUT! Sorry for the long wait guys.

Everyone was in the stands as Hanami started announcing the next matches.

Hanami: "Okay we're back with the Final Round of the Ultimate Tag Series! Match One is over! And four teams are tied at 2 points each! The million-bey question is which team will follow and Lain, Shu, Helene and Hina's footsteps and join them in the semi final for an epic face off! My guess is as good as anyone else's now! Match Two is a big old clash with the Legends Free De La Hoya and Silas Karlise and the Revolutionary newcomers, Hikaru and Hyuga Hizashi!"

Reina: "Do your best you guys."

Hyuga: "Aw yeah! We're gonna go all the way!"

Hikaru: "It's time to strategize Hyuga."

Hyuga: "Yeah!"

The brother run off to do some strategizing.

Chuck: "This two got a good groove going."

Guy: "Well I guess it really helps to bounce back from a losing streak by winning two matches in a row."

Silas: "Yo Free, we should-"

But before Silas had finished Free had already got up and left.

Silas: "Guess he's already figured it out."

Free had left to get himself a drink but as he does this, he remembers when Valt introduced Hikaru, Hyuga and Hina to him.

Free: "The flares I've felt from them before, they've grown a lot since then." 

He remembers the matches they've had in the Tag Tournament so far.

Free: "They certainly are interesting." He smirks.

And finally, he remembers how they tried meditating like him and how Hyuga fell asleep.

Free: "Even when they sleep."

Hyuga: "Watch out Free and Silas! We're coming for you guys!"

Hikaru: "I still can't predict how Fafnir will move. Will Free launch at full power or is he gonna hold back to absorb our spin power and used it against us."

Hyuga: "It doesn't matter what he's gonna do! We got our trusty Twin Limit Break! We'll just stick together and knock them out!"

Hikaru: "Uh.. yeah, you're totally right!"

Meanwhile Silas is his own room training.

Silas: "Let it Rip!" As he launches his bey in he remembers when Hyuga wanted to battle him and how Hyuga beat him. He grits his teeth as a voice cuts off his thoughts.

Free: "You can't hope to win like that. Their attack powers is way higher than yours."

Silas: "What's that supposed to me?!"

Free: "How about this? Do you think Satomb can take a full force hit from Hyperion and Helios's Twin Limit Break?"

Silas grits his teeth.

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