Chapter 15: The Jet-Black Suns, Variant Lucifer and Disturbance Hydra!

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Recap: Last time, it was Hyuga and Hina's turn to go up against Lui, but storm rolled in and they were forced to wait it out inside a cabin. Hyuga, determined to face Lui snuck out but not after Hina noticed and followed him. With the others they met two mysterious figures that were looking for Lui as well. Back with Hyuga and Hina they made it up the mountain to finally face Lui. Hyuga was going first and he was determined to break his limits and win the battle. But just then two beys interrupted the event. Just when everyone was wondering who they were, another person showed up. It was none other than Shu Kurenai. Who are these two bladers? Let's find out in this Chapter!

Everyone was still in shock from so many things happening at once, first these two bladers show up and then Shu Kurenai shows up. Hyuga looks back and forth between Lui and Shu.

Hyuga: "Shu? You mean, THE Shu Kurenai?!"

Rantaro: "Shu, who are these two?"

Shu walks up to them.

Shu: "They are the bladers I'm coaching right now."

Rantaro: "Then, that purple hair dude is the one that beat Free?!"

Lain: "Lui Shirosagi, you're next!"

Helene: "Longinus will fall before us." The girl said in a calm voice, unlike Lain who was yelling.

Lain: "Battle us!"

Lui: "Brought me some more interesting bladers. huh? Thanks, I'm happy, Shu Kurenai." He looks at Shu as lightning continues to strike. "I like it. Come, I'll battle you both."

Lui begins to laugh like usual as the rest of the group is surprised, Lain only smiles. Just then it starts to rain again.

Hananmi: "Another crazy storm is here! This battle is on hold for now!"

Hanami's helicopter flies away to a safer place away from the storm. As the rain rages on, Hina and Hyuga are sitting by each other as they look outside. They see Lain and Helene still by the stadium. Hina still looked kinda shook as they each had different thoughts on their mind.

Hyuga: "Those two got in the way of my battle..." He thought.

Hina: "I can't believe it.....I thought I'd never..." So many thoughts were racing through her mind.

Just then the little hedgehog that Lain was carrying was walking over to them. It does a little squeak before walking down the staircase.

Hyuga: "Hey wait!"

Meanwhile with Hikaru and the others they were walking through the cave to get out of the storm. Hikaru hears Hyuga voice and turns around, seeing the hedgehog on the staircase. He stares at it for a bit before the hedgehog hisses and it's quills stands up. Hikaru freaks out and jumps onto Guy's shoulder. This in turn freaked everyone else as they all started to panic.

Hikaru: "What the heck is that?! Shoo!"

As they all panic the hedgehog quickly goes passed them as Hina and Hyuga catch up with them.

Hina: "You guys alright?"

Hyuga: "You scared Hikaru?" He giggles. "But he's so cute!"

The little hedgehog continues to head down the cave.

Hyuga: "Hey, wait for me!" He yells as he chases after it. He follows it all the way to the room where they found Lui training. "Where'd it go?" He looks around and sees the little hedgehog. "Oh there you are!"

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