Chapter 50: Battle for the Finals!

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A/N: Hey yall. It has been a LONG time since I've updated this story. But I am gonna do my best to at least try and finish it and give yall the conclusion you deserve. 

Recap: Last time the final round of the Ultimate Tag Series continued, the next battles were Aiger and Y/n Akabane vs Hina and Helene Aspen. The battle of siblings commenced as both teams fought with immense spirit. But Aiger and Y/n were able to come out on top, defeating the sisters. Next up was Shu and Lain vs Valt and Rantaro, it was an intense battle but with clever strategy from Valt and Rantaro, they were able to win. Through both battles Lain and Helene experienced a change in their flare that they couldn't explain. With three teams being tied with three points, it looks like the battle for the finals is just getting started! Let's see how the story will continue from here!

At the bombers Hyuga and Hikaru were training.

Hikaru: "Let's go Helios!"

Hyuga: "Crash into them, Hyperion!"

The two beys clash against each other in the stadium.

Chuck: "You go dudes!"

Guy: "Keep up this training and you'll be at the Finals in no time!"

Reina: "Speaking of the finals, how are the semifinals going to work?"

Guy: "I'm not sure. Several teams have the same number of points."

Just then Wakiya walked in.

Wakiya: "I can answer that question for you!" He then pulled out his tablet and showed it to everyone. "Take a look."

Everyone went over to Wakiya so they could see what's on the laptop.

Wakiya: "The way that it'll work is that one team will face all the other teams in a set order, if they lose to one team, the team that beat them will take their place and move on."

Hikaru: "Oh I get it! So that means by the end of it there will be only two teams left for the finals."

Wakiya: "Exactly, and Hikaru and Hyuga are going to be the ones starting."

Hikaru: "Seriously?!"

Hyuga: "Awesome that means we get to have a ton of battles!"

Hikaru: "Yeah but that means we have to beat every team before we even get a chance at Lain and Shu."

Hyuga: "It doesn't matter we'll blow them all away!"

Wakiya: "I like that spirit! Now then, you're first opponents are Aiger and Y/n Akabane. You've beaten them before but that doesn't you should underestimate them, they are still Legends."

Hikaru: "Right! Come on Hyuga! Let's get training we need to be ready!"

Hyuga: "You bet! We're gonna send them flying!"

The brothers ran back to the stadium to train.

Meanwhile Aiger and Y/n were training for their match.

Aiger/Y/n: "Let it Rip!"

The two launch their beys into the stadium as they begun to circle around.

Aiger: "Man, I can't believe our new move worked!"

Y/n: "Yeah, and we have a chance at the finals!"

Aiger: "We just have to beat Hikaru and Hyuga!"

Y/n: "Those brothers got so strong so fast."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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