The Twins

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"If this is love, I do not want it." - Tauriel, The Hobbit: The battle of the 5 armies.

"Tell me, lord Frey, who commanded you to kill me?" Robb was pacing in the great hall of the Twins. His men were holding Walder Frey and his children tightly with their hands held together behind their backs. The children were shaking and some pleading the soldiers to let them go. Somewhere in the back of the room stood Elena with her arms wrapped tightly before her chest as she attentively watched Robb's every move. She wanted to stop what was happening but she didn't have no choice but to stand there. She had angered Robb enough as it was.

She didn't know what to do. She had killed way too many men during the battle already. Robb was a good man but right now he was beyond reason. He was torturing Walder's children for information he was not going to give.

"Tell me." Robb growled as he pushed Grey Wind closer to Walder Frey. The wolf bared his teeth threatingly, the low rumble of his grow being the only sound that filled the hall.

"You really think I follow orders from anyone you little pig?" Walder growled back.

"No, but you do want money, don't you? So who was paying you to kill me?" Even Robb's own voice was different than how Elena remembered it. Instead of the gentle, husky voice he spoke slowly and threatingly. Walder Frey looked up at Robb without saying anything. He didn't care about the Lanissters safety, he didn't tell Robb only because he didn't want to lose his pride. As little as was left of it anyway.

"Fine. Bring his eldest son." Robb turned around and ushered the guard holding him to come forward.

"If you don't answer the question, I will kill him." Robb moved behind the man, holding a knife to his throat. He himself wasn't even sure if he could do it. Killing was never in his nature, as wasn't torturing. Yet the rage was consuming him from the inside out.

Walder Frey only sat there, looking at Robb. He knew that Walder wasn't going to say anything.

"So be it." Robb killed the man. Elena gasped, she didn't expect him to really do it. The man was mostly innocent, killing him would proof or help nothing. Elena had thought that Robb wouldn't do it. It would only destroy his honor and he would have killed a man without mercy. Darkness was taking control of Robb's mind, Elena had to stop it. Only she didn't know how.

"Bring the next." Robb ordered and cleaned his sword from the blood. His eyes were cold and lifeless as he stared at the red liquid that covered the floor at his feet. For a moment something flickered through his eyes but it quickly vanished when Robb thought back to the day before that.

"Now I'm going to ask you again, who paid you to kill me?" Robb again held his sword against the throat of a child. This was the youngest daughter, a girl of barely 3 years old. Walder Frey again said nothing, only now he had tears in his eyes. It's not like he truly cared about his daughter, sometimes he even forgot her name as he did with most of his children for he had too many.

Robb sighed and closed his eyes as he again moved his sword to kill the child.

"Wait!" The eldest daughter stopped him. Everyone looked at her, Elena with a sign of gratitude. "I... I will tell you. Just please let her go." The eldest daughter pleaded with the palms of her hand pressed together before her.

Robb loosened his grip on the child. "Go on then." Robb growled.

"It was the Lannisters." She quickly said.

"You're a disgrace to your family!" Lord Frey shouted at her. She slightly winched back, making herself smaller by bowing her back. Her widened eyes flickered between Robb and her father, trying to deside who to be more afraid of. After seeing the madness is Robb's eyes that decision was made rather quickly.

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