Moving on

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As far as I know I just wanted to do what was right. I just don't know what that is anymore. -Captain America/ Steve Rogers, Captain America the Winter Soldier.

It was quiet that day in Winterfell. Robb had brought the woman they found to the measter, letting him take care of her. They had found her in the midst of the woods, holding a dead body in her arms. She was surrounded by other dead bodies, bodies of knights from the North.

Robb didn't trust her at all. Who knows, maybe she had killed all those Northerners. She held no wapon though. Maybe she had thrown it away?  That wouldn't explain it though because the wounds in the men's bodies didn't seem to be inflicted by any kind of weapon they knew about. One thing Robb knew for sure: she wasn't to be trusted.

He thought his father was a fool to bring her here. Maybe she would kill people here too for as far as they knew. Robb hadn't left the chamber she was in, he wouldn't let her be alone. He glared at her while she was uncounscious. After all his father's efforts they had been in peace and now maybe she was going to destroy that peace.

If you asked Robb, he would've made the woman leave or let her pay for her crimes. 

Eddard Stark was determined to let her stay though. Robb had tried to speak some sense into him but his father wouldn't listen. He had his mind set on that girl, there was something he knew that Robb didn't.

"Robb?" Catelyn entered the room. "Bran has asked for your presence, he would like to train with you."

"I don't trust her." Robb said without looking at his mother, his gaze was set on the sleeping girl. Why had she fallen asleep anyway? It was taking her too long to wake up for her to be unconcious. 

"I think she's innocent. How could she alone kill all those soldiers?" Catelyn said. She didn't think a woman could be a warrior, nor did she think a girl like that could defeat more then 10 Northerners. Catelyn was quite prejudiced when it came to women and their skills.

"How can we know she's innocent when we do not know anything about her? Father's a fool to take her here. We should've left her there." Robb hissed at his mother. He was angry at his father, he wouldn't even listen to what Robb had to say. He himself thought he was all grown up. His father on the other hand didn't, leaving Robb frustrated and angry.

"Robb!! You do not speak about your father like that!" Catelyn's eyes widened as she looked at her oldest son. "Now go to Bran." She ordered.

"What about her?" Robb sighed, knowing that going against his mother won't help anything.

"We will wait for what she has to say." Catelyn said and then ushered Robb out of the room.

After that Elena was alone. It was silent until she suddenly awakaned, sat up immediatelly and gasped for air. Her green eyes were widened as she took in her surroundings. She had no idea where she was nor did she know how she got there. All she remembered was a fight, she had defended her father until...

Elena placed her hands before her eyes and struggled to hold in her sobs. She had failed, her father had died. He was dead because she couldn't defend him. Elena's attempts to hold her tears failed as they streamed down her face uncontrollably. Strangled sobs filled the room as Elena tried to escape reality.

How could she have let this happen?

"My lady?" Someone entered the room, he was old and had a kind of chain around his neck and he was wearing a old grey mantle. She recognized him as one of the so called measters. Elena's eyes widened as she saw him. She crawled back on the bed until her back hit the wall. She was in a city, she knew that now.

The Guardian of the North (Robb Stark) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now