Peace offer

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It had taken a long time before Elena finally snapped out of the trance she was in. She was just staring down at the doll, wondering how a person like Damon, such a strong man could ever be trapped in such a small object. That wasn't what the problem was though, how in the seven hells was she ever going to get her brother out of it? They didn't know how Ethan had done it and the only few persons who understood how it worked were Damon and Ethan. Obviously the Dark One wasn't going to help since he was the person who put him there in the first place.

Steven had shaken her from that train of thought. He was still trapped in the silver cage, unable to do anything but sit and wait. It hadn't taken a long time before Elena found a way to get him out and soon enough they were flying out of the forest and towards the castle.

But the things they saw, the things that had happened on the battlefield, it was devastating. They saw the last few battles between the last few standing people on the field. There were thousands of dead bodies, litres of blood literally flowing down the now red tainted hill. And then there were the screams of the wounded, those being the most horrific.

For Elena though the most terrible thing she saw was Abigail with Aidan in her arms, shielding herself and the body from the enemies around them. Jon was there, protecting her with longclaw glasped in his hands. Before Elena had arrived Jon had killed the last Lannister that was close to him.

"Elena!" His exhausted expression lit up when she landed a few meters away from him. He ran towards her and enveloped her in his arms, pulling her close while she buried her face in his chest.

"What happened?" Elena asked after letting go of Jon, walking toward Aidan's body. There was a peaceful look on his face, like he was only sleeping. Then a sudden terror hit her, what if Damon was also dead? What if Ethan hadn't put the same spell on him as Damon put on him, what if her brother was dead?

"His grieve got to him." Abigail looked up at Elena who then noticed her shaken expression. "Where's my father?"

Elena tried to swallow the lump that was forming in her throat and looked down at the ground, avoiding Abigail's gaze. She couldn't look her in the eye and tell her that her father, who she had just met a few days ago, died at the hands of her own uncle with whom she had lived almost her whole life.

"Elena, where's my father?!" Abigail stood up and grasped her shoulders, not caring that Elena was probably the queen to be, she was only worrying about her father.

"Ethan put a spell on him." Elena took the doll out of her pocket without meeting Abigail's eyes. "He's trapped." Elena finally looked up at Abigail while she handed the doll to her.

"Do we know how the get him out?" Abigail let out a small sigh of relief knowing that her father wasn't dead, that there was still hope. But when Elena again diverted her eyes away from hers to look at the ground, that feeling soon vanished again.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Abigail yelled and threw her hands in the air. "Why can't, for once in my life, everything just work out?!"

"Listen, Abigail, Dam-... Your father is not yet dead." Steven walked towards her with his arms outstretched, trying to calm her down. Then he frowned, looking down at the ground. "At least, I think." He mumbled and let out a sigh.

Elena looked at Steven with fright, scared that also he had lost hope. There had to be at least one among them to have a splinter of hope, at least a little, to reassure her that everything was going to be all right. But then she heard the sound of hoofs on the ground. She looked up and met Robb's gaze. Within seconds the worry was wiped from her mind, knowing that Robb, no matter what, would always help her even if he himself had no clue how to.

The Guardian of the North (Robb Stark) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now