Not dead yet

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A few moments passed by as Elena was just standing there, staring at his eyes. Wondering if she was dreaming or even hallucinating. The last one seemed like the most logical option considering her mind wasn't in a very good state.

"How do you know my name?" Gillian frowned as he slowly stood up on his feet. His eyes flickered between Elena and the guards that were running towards him.

The look in her eyes, that forest green, it made something stir in his mind. There were no memories though, nothing came back to him. Still everything before the resurrection was a blur.

Elena took in a deep breath, trying to keep the tears inside. He was real. There was no chance that there was another man named Gillian with the exact same appearance and the exact same voice. He was alive.

"Elena, I can explain all this." Steven laid his hand atop of her shoulder.

Pushing the hand off of her Elena slowly walked towards Gillian while signalling the guards to stand still all without making a sound.

"Who are you?" Gillian's voice shook with fear while he paced backwards, his hands raised in surrender.

"Elena, please get back inside." Steven begged and walked towards her. He was afraid of what might happen. Afraid that she might break down and let the darkness inside.

But when Elena watched him closely, the way he moved, the way he looked, she knew that it may be Gillian but not the one she used to know. He was still dead, only his body was moving. Whether or not his mind and soul were still there, Elena did not know.

So Elena lowered her hand, signalling for the guards to take the man before her. There must've been a reason for them to lock him up, Elena didn't want Gillian to get himself in even more trouble before she could figure out how to help him. She closed her eyes as she let a single tear escape from her them.

"Wait!" Gillian screamed and pushed the guards away from him. Elena opened her eyes again and looked up at him, knowing he was talking to her.

"You knew me, didn't you? You knew me before I died?" Gillian spoke quickly, his words rushed out. "Look, I don't know what's happening to me. I don't even know how that woman brought me back but..." Gillian sighed deeply and pushed another of the guards away when he tried to grasp him. "You have to help me." Gillian practically begged. "I... I, I feel like something is slowly getting into my head and I can't stop it."

It seemed surprisingly familiar to Elena, that feeling, like any moment something would break into her mind to shut off who she was. Elena sighed and looked back at Steven. She saw the look in his eyes and knew that this was common when someone got resurrected.

"He will change." Steven muttered. "He won't be in control of his mind anymore."

Elena nodded, sighing as she looked back at Gillian. "I'm sorry." She whispered. "But I can't help you."

"What?" The guards grasped his arms and put his hands in chains. But Gillian's eyes never took a glance at them, he was looking straight into Elena's. Like he was burning a hole into her soul.

"No, wait!" He protested and tried to get out of the grasp he was being held in. "You're Elena, right?!"

Gillian pleadingly looked into her eyes. "You knew me well, didn't you?" He said when he saw a tear running down her cheek. "You have to at least give me chance!"

"Elena..." Steven whispered behind her when he noticed the hesitation in her. "Don't do this."

"Look, all I remember is one sentence, just one. It keeps on echoing through my head like an alarm." Gillian said knowing he had captivated Elena's attention. He took a moment to continue, taking in a deep breath while looking straight at her. "Don't ever give up."

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