Old friend

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"I wish I was the monster you think I am." - Tyrion Lannister, Game of Thrones.

"He trains you in sword fighting?" Gillian laughed at Elena. He knew how much Elena practically hated Robb and now she was forced to let him train her.

"Your father demands it." Elena sighed as she looked at Jon and threw one of the sticks she picked up from the ground away in frustration.

"Don't try to kill him." Jon chuckled and looked at Bran who was climbing in the tree above them. They would do this every day, just sitting with the three of them in the Godswood. This day Gillian had joined them since his father had come to visit Eddard. It had been two years now that Elena lived here, she, Gillian and Jon had grown closer than they had ever expected.

"I could easily kill him." Elena huffed and looked up at Bran, worry filling her. She still was a Guardian, worrying was one of the downsides of being one.

"You might be surprised." Jon looked up too when Bran let out a shriek. He remembered something Robb had told him and chuckled. "He defeated you when you tried to escape, didn't he?

"Shut up." Elena playfully slapped Jon, her cheeks reddening. "I was exhausted, all right? If I had been fully awake I would've easily defeated him."

"Sure." Gillian didn't sound convinced, a playful smile on his lips. Jon chuckled lightly while closing his eyes.

"I hate you." Elena smiled too, only because she enjoyed the company. Jon chuckled and shook his head, his dark curls dancing around his head as he did so.

"Elena!" Robb' voice filled the woods, his footsteps coming closer.

"Speaking of the devil." Elena sighed and stood up. "'Guess my time here is up."

"Have fun with your training." Gillian teased Elena.

"Good luck." Jon smiled.

"You better watch out, Karstark, before I kill you." Elena narrowed her eyes at him before she walked away, following Robb' voice.

"There you are." Robb sighed when Elena came into view, he didn't like this too but his father had commanded him to train her. After all that had happened, the wildlings almost raping her, he saving her and the talk in the Godswood, his feelings for her had changed. Right now he just didn't know what to think off her.

"Having fun with Karstark?" Robb asked and turned towards the edge of the wood where they always trained.

"Well, yes actually." Elena frowned at Robb, his tone had been remarkably snappy. She picked up one of swords they always used during those train sessions but Robb didn't follow her lead. He just stood there, looking at her with a frown on his face.

"What is it?" Elena shifted her feet uncomfortably, his gaze was making her feel uneasy. She suddenly felt unsure of how she looked, she had dressed as usual: her blue long dress (Catelyn still wouldn't let her wear pants) and her golden/white hair in a braid that was hanging loosely on her shoulder.

"My lady, I've been wondering, why didn't you leave us?" Robb asked out of the blue.

"What do you mean?"

"When we took you here after we found you, you didn't return to your family." Robb was puzzled, he had been wondering about this for a long time.

The Guardian of the North (Robb Stark) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now