The war of the guardians

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"What about Louis?" Liane asked, looking at Elena who was riding beside him. Liane had seen the Sept erupt into green fire and immediately knew that Elena was going to be the one who took the blame. He knew that the war would start again, for he had always known that it would eventually. After everything that had happened he knew that the Lannisters and the Starks couldn't live while the other was still breathing. The choice of at whose side he wanted to fight was made rather quickly.

Sam was riding on the other side of Elena, also glancing at her expectantly. The two had also known Louis for some time after the incident with his family. They had practically adopted the kid together with Damon, taking care of him like he was their little brother. It had taken months for Louis to open up to them for he had lost his whole family in a fire but when he finally did, he couldn't have been happier with their help. In return Louis brightened their days with his tricks and jokes.

Elena glanced behind her, trying to avoid the question and to check if her handmaidens, Felicity and Angelina, were still holding on. Those two had it the hardest. They never had to ride distances this far, let alone flee from the Lannisters. After they had escaped the city they had been riding for 2 days straight without any stop. To Elena's surprise though neither of the two had complained about a thing.

"He's gone." Elena looked down at the gravel beneath her horse's hooves. It still hurt, the image of Louis in chains on the opposite of her, the blood covering his bare chest and the defeated look in his eyes every time Ramsay would come.

"Damn." Liane sighed, clenching his hands into fists.

"I'm so sorry." Elena looked at the both of them. "If it's any consolation, he died still believing in us."

"That does sound like him." A faint smile played on Liane's lips as he looked up at the sky, trying to keep his tears at bay. Louis had always been a cheeky kid and never ceased to be able to make him smile with the smallest of words.

"He was a good kid." Sam sighed, grasping the reins of his horse tighter in his hands. He looked at the horizon before them and saw the Twins appear from behind the hills. Its two high towers looked grim against the setting sun with a faint red glow playing on the river's water. Later on he noticed the numerous tents on the other side of the river, their colours evident even in the faint light of the setting sun.

Elena's eyes widened when she followed his gaze, setting her eyes on Robb's army that had already arrived. A sense of home, of freedom came over her. She was free from the Lannister's grasp and this time she came back stronger than before. Even though Ramsay had left his marks on her body, she finally felt some hope boiling up in the pit of her heart.

It only took mere seconds before Elena spurred her horse and galloped towards the gates, spreading her wings when she arrived at the river for she was too inpatient to wait on the guards to open the gates. Her wings carried her over the waters that she had once dreaded to see but now she could only feel relief at the sight of the camp's reflection on the surface. The wind guided her towards the biggest tent of them all, its grey and black peak higher than any other.

She almost tumbled over when her feet touched the ground for she didn't pay any attention to her surroundings, all she could see was Robb's silhouette just a few feet away from her. She didn't even need to say his name, he had heard the rustle of her wings and the all too familiar scent filling his nose.

Soon enough he felt her warm body pressed against his, her tiny arms wrapped around his torso and her head buried in his chest. Robb wrapped both his arms around her tightly and lifted her feet from the ground, swirling her around while laughing in relief.

The Guardian of the North (Robb Stark) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now