Short story: The lost dragon

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warning: this story takes place after Elena's death so that's also the ending I'm gonna follow this time. Just remember that if you request a one shot that you should also tell me which ending you wanted :P.

Taverns weren't exactly the places to be in Westeros. Besides the usual drunken men that always succeeded in Falling in the weirdest possible ways, there was an occasional fire that just happened to break out, children that somehow managed to sneak in and drink alcohol which usually resulted in them causing trouble, the old men who were complaining about the younger generations while they themselves were drunk and of course: the whores that taunted the married men and seduced them into breaking their vows.

Sometimes you would even be lucky enough to meet your infamous serial killer somewhere in the back of the tavern, looking at everyone from behind his mysterious hood that covered his features. You'd only be able to see his mouth twist up in a sneaky, satisfied grin. Of course, you would only recognize him when it was too late.

It wasn't a good company to be amongst. Not that Damon cared though. It was the company he chose to be amongst ever since the war ended, ever since... well, since he lost everything.

"Hey fella!" The lady behind the bar yelled at him, saliva flying through the air as she spoke. She wore a corset that was way too tight for her figure and that showed too much for Damon to be able not to cringe every time he looked at her.

Damon lifted his eyebrows in response, his eyes focusing on a certain huge pimple that was located on the middle of her chin.

"Get yer ass out of my tavern, we're closing." She spat as she cleaned the tables, her dirty blond hair covered in things Damon didn't want to know of what it consisted.

Damon then only noticed that the tavern was almost empty besides a snoring, balding man sitting in the far corner. The guardian got up with great reluctance as his hand tightened around his bottle of whiskey, making his way towards the exit whilst trying not to fall.

He swung the doors open and almost fell forwards on his face as his eyes squinted together when the early sunlight met his skin.

"Bloody hell." He muttered as he covered his eyes with his hands. He sighed while taking another swig, looking around himself to find out where he was.

"Hey, Damon?" Steven's voice popped up in his head, making him groan out loud.

Damon ignored him as he started to make his way through the forest located around the tavern with no particular destination in mind. Not that he had any purpose now anyway after the death of his sister.

"I know you can hear me, Damon." Steven continued to talk to him mentally. "There's no use in ignoring me."

Damon chuckled as he took another swig of his whiskey, enjoying the way it burned his mouth. Try me, captain. Steven Had tried to contact him for weeks now. Maybe it was because he had disappeared after Elena's funeral without any word.

"Look, Damon..." Steven sighed. "I know this is hard for you, losing your two siblings in such a short period of time but I just want you to know that I-"

Damon sat down against a tree while listening closely, taking another few swigs to drown out the head ache.

"We're here for you. You're not alone in this one, Damon, you never have been. You have a family in us, the last guardians. We can help you through this." Steven paused for a few moments. "I know it all seems lost now and that it all looks like it will never get better, but it will. That is if you let us help you. You can't do this on your own."

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