Battle plan

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"Where's Elena?" Robb asked, a frown on his face. They were in the new council tent, they had set camp somewhere near the Kingsroad. It was only a matter of time before the Boltons realized that they were marching towards Winterfell. Within a few days' time they would arrive there, then only a few days and they will attack the never fallen castle.

"I don't know, I haven't seen Damon either." Steven frowned too, he was also invited to attend the meeting together with all the other guardians, except for Ella of course. The poor girl was still exhausted from all the power it took to heal Damon that morning.

"Your grace, we will have to start the meeting with or without them. Stannis will be here any second, he won't like it to wait, especially not for a woman." Rickard Karstark said. All the other bannermen were there, all of them looking at Robb expectantly.

"Have you seen her this morning?" Steve whispered to Robb. He was actually really worried, he knew that with The Dark One somewhere close to them it wasn't safe for anyone to be alone here.

"Yes, when I woke up. I haven't seen her ever since." Robb whispered back, looking around the council table. The lords were all looking at him, expecting him to say something. He would've if his mind wasn't set on Elena.

"I'm sure Damon is with her." Steve muttered. He wasn't actually sure, he just wanted to give Robb some hope. He was the king after all, he couldn't cancel a council meeting only because someone went missing that morning.

"I'm sorry but that doesn't calm my nerves at all." Robb took in a deep breath, trying to get the sick feeling out of his stomach. He wasn't well at all, he kept on seeing those visions the Dark One made him see. To be honest, those visions weren't calming his nerves at all.

Stannis barged into the tent with the Red Woman and Ser Davos behind him, not saying a word while walking towards the other end of the round table. He sat down silently, also looking at Robb expectantly.

"Your grace." Robb addressed him with his jaws clenched.

"Stark." Stannis said curtly. He never addressed Robb as the king he was. Steven still didn't trust him at all, he knew Stannis didn't like the thought that Robb was king of the North. Robb stared at the Baratheon, thinking that he would start the actual council. Instead the king remained silent, looking at the map in front of him.

"Where is your lady guardian?" Stannis finally spoke up after a way too long moment of awkward silence.

"She's not here." Robb stated curtly. Steve took in a deep breathe, thinking about where she could've gone. He knew she was furious but he knew for sure she wouldn't risk her life now.

"So, Winterfell." Robb began finally, breaking the awkward tension. All of the lords let out a deep breath in relieve. "The Boltons have rebuilt it all, together with the walls and towers. It is almost impossible to take now."

"Luckily we have guardians." Robb looked to his side, at Steven. Steve straightened his back, standing up tall.

"Roose Bolton has too. Ramsay is one and so is the Dark One. We don't know if the Dark One fights for the Boltons but he obviously isn't on our side." Steven stated, looking around at all the men that had gathered there. "Ramsay will be easy to defeat IF we can see through his schemes and traps. He has no powers anymore, I made sure of that."

"If we want to take down their defence, we will have to take down their guardians first. So I recommend to send a party to the castle, sneak in and kill Ramsay before he has any chance to defeat us." Steve looked up when Elena entered the tent together with Damon. Everyone fell silent, looking at the distressed expressions on their faces.

The Guardian of the North (Robb Stark) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now