The journey

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Anger is like a hot coal you hold in your hands to throw at the people that have hurt you - but you're the only one getting burned in the end -

"So Roose Bolton it is." Elena stated. The whole Northern army was riding back towards the North. They left some back at the Twins to make sure the Freys won't betray them again. And, of course, to defend the North from any further attacks from the South.

"I don't think I have a choice in the matter." Robb sighed while riding his horse next to Elena's.

"Well of course you do, you're the King right?" Elena said. "How did that happen anyway? First I know you to be a Lord's son but then I wake up and you're suddenly the King in the North or whatever they call you."

"They chose me, during a council meeting. You know us Northerners; we're loyal to our own. After Joffrey murdered father I think we kind of had enough of being part of his kingdom." Robb sarcastically said.

"Well of course. Because someone murders someone else the whole country has to go to war." Elena rolled her eyes as her knuckles turned white from holding the reins that tightly.

"What would you have had me do? Sit back in Winterfell after Joffrey murdered father? Have you ever even cared for him?" Robb lashed out as he grasped her shoulder, forcing her to stop. His grasp on her almost hurt, but it was enough for her to turn her attention to him again. 

"You know I do. It just sucks everyone has to suffer because we do." Elena said silently and looked down. "Maybe if I had not saved Brann everything would have been different."

"Then Brann would have died. I don't think much would have changed except for that." Robb looked at Elena. He pondered for a while as he looked at her. Her wild, angry and sad eyes remined him off days a long time ago when he could still afford to spend time hating her. The times when he tried to tell himself so many times that he hated her while deep inside he knew he was falling for her.  "You know what this makes me think off?"

"Mmmh?" Elena looked back at Robb.

"The first time we left Winterfell together."


"Which way do we need to go?" Elena asked when they neared a crossroad. It had been silent the whole time between her and Robb, they still hated each other. Elena had been in Winterfell for almost a year now but somehow the two never talked about their problems with each other. Even during dinner or breakfast the two managed to not even look each other in the eye.

Robb said nothing and turned right, completely ignoring Elena or just refusing to talk to her. His father demanded him to go with Elena for Eddard knew they still couldn't stand one another. Maybe he was hoping that with this small journey they could learn to tolerate each other.

Elena had become close with every Stark except for Robb.  Maybe it was because he still didn't trust her at all. He knew there was something off about her, he saw her leave the castle everyday but when he would ask his father about it Eddard never gave a solid answer.

He knew his father and Elena were holding something back from everyone and he hated it. Though Robb was determined to find out why his father kept Elena in their home, he hadn't found any answers in the past year, which was making him furious.

"You know, I also didn't want to go on this trip so you can stop being a dick." Elena sighed gave her horse a small kick to make it go faster, trying her best to keep riding next to Robb. Eddard had asked Elena to deliver an order to one of the villages nearby.

Eddard wouldn't let Elena go alone because he knew there were savages in the woods. Though he wouldn't admit it, Ned was already beginning to see Elena as his own daughter.He didn't want to let her journey alone, that's also why he ordered Robb to travel with her.

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