The cursed doll

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Steven frowned after Elena winked at him, having no idea about what she was planning. The only thing he could focus on was the knife that was being held against her throat and the threatening look on Ethan's face. But then Steven realized, this had been Elena's plan al along. Especially after she kicked backwards, stunning Ethan, and turned around to give him another punch in the face.

Ethan stumbled backwards, holding his throbbing face in one of his hands while the other was furiously pointing at Elena. "You should not have done that." He growled.

"Damon, now!!!" Elena yelled.

Ethan turned around immediately and saw his brother standing behind him, silver knife in his hand. "Damon, sweet brother, it's good to see you." He chuckled but growled when Elena grasped him from behind and held him place.

"You do not want to do that." Ethan glared at Damon but nevertheless he sprinted towards him and tried to stab Ethan but he dodged the attack, kicking Elena and hitting Damon on the back of his head which caused him to fall down to the ground. He rolled it of though, soon enough standing back up on his own two feet while glaring at Ethan.

"And this while I thought you loved me." Ethan was panting, his fists balled on both sides while standing ready to be attacked again.

"That's the same Evelyn thought when you stabbed her to death." Damon searched Ethan's face for any form of emotion. He clenched the silver knife in his hand while taking another cautious step towards Ethan.

"What does Evelyn have to do with this?" Ethan took another step back and looked behind him to see Elena with another silver knife in her hand. So Ethan stayed put in one place, looking between Elena and Damon, glancing at the knifes in their hands.

"She has everything to do with this." Damon growled. "Don't you feel guilty, after you killed the only woman that ever loved you after mother, the only one who actually gave a single fuck about you?"

Ethan began to laugh, pointing at Damon. "I see what you're trying to do. Let me tell you one thing though, it's not going to work sweet brother. Not on me."

"Is it?" Damon lifted one eyebrow. "'Cause I thought I just saw a tear forming in your eyes."

"Nice try." Ethan laughed. "But I don't cry."

"Ethan, please. We're only trying to help you." Elena practically begged while taking another step towards her brother.

"Ahh, sweet sister, you've got it all wrong." Ethan stuck his hand in the pocket of his trousers and took out the single thing that Damon feared he would, the doll. "I'm going to help you."


The battle at Harrenhal had taken an unexpected turn after Aidan had joined the battle. He just landed in the midst of the Lannister's army, not caring that he was surrounded. He fought like it was his last day alive, which was probably true if he kept on like that. Soon enough the Lannister's guardians sensed his presence and all attacked him at once. 4 against one. It was unfair, but with the rage that had filled Aidan's entire body he was stronger than ever. One of the guardians could turn invisible but with the storm that wasn't of much help. The other could make illusions, let Aidan see everything he ever dreaded. But he had already seen the worst thing he could ever see so that only pissed him off.

The other two guardians, well, they ran off quickly after they saw there 2 comrades killed in battle. Just when Aidan thought that he had won, that maybe after all the battle was over, he was stabbed in the back. It was a nobody that killed him. Just a random soldier that worked for the Lannisters, a boy that had been working on a farm for his whole life. He had no idea what he was doing on the battlefield but when he saw Aidan, a man with wings so great and powers so powerful that the wind almost swiped him off his feet, he thought he was a monster. So he did what every hero would do, he killed the monster.

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