The unburnt

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"Damon was right."

Elena had closed her eyes before the green light could cover her vision. She just let it embrace her, expecting her skin to melt off just at the touch of the wildfire. She wouldn't even feel the pain of it burning her skin before she'd die, she knew that wildfire killed almost instantly. Elena expected that if she'd open her eyes, she'd see either light or only darkness. To be honest she didn't fear death, she welcomed it. All those years spend fighting felt like an eternity. The only regret she had is that she didn't get to see Robb when Westeros was finally at peace.

When she opened her eyes again though she didn't see a light at the end of the tunnel, she didn't see only darkness, she was greeted with green fire instead. She saw the fire melt everyone's skin, saw Margaery's hair lit and burn almost instantly, her clothes set on fire and her skin melting like the High Sparrow's and almost everyone else's. Elena frowned, looking around at everyone as they were surrounded by flying debris and the green fire. Everyone burned except for her.

She looked down at her hands which were surrounded by the fire yet it didn't burn her in the slightest. It just licked her skin, waving through her fingers like water would. She clenched her hands into fists and pressed her eyes shut, daring not to look up again and see everyone burn to death. All that she had seen in her life, all the death and decay was nothing compared to the wildfire consuming everything around her. The screams of the victims filled her ears together with the sept falling apart.

The building. Elena's eyes spread wide open when she realized that the building was falling, and it was falling fast. Without thinking she spread her wings and flipped them, flying up in the air whilst dodging away from the debris that threatened to take her back down to the ground and bury her alive. When she looked up Elena could only see the ceiling and the huge statues falling down towards her.

"Damon?!" She screamed out, trying to reach his mind even though he was far away. She didn't see a way out, didn't see a path through which she could fly as the building was falling down on her. She continued to dodge every small piece of debris that fell down but soon the whole ceiling would collapse. There would be no avoiding that.

"Damon?!!" She yelled again when she saw the cracks forming in the stone as even that started to melt and break by the wildfire.

"Elena? What's go-" She could barely make out his voice.

"Cersei used the wildfire on the sept, it's falling apart. I'm inside, I can't get out." Elena practically begged to the gods, if they even were out there, that Damon could hear her.

"Transform into a dragon, you'd have more strength and you may be able to fly through." His voice was rushed, worry clear in his voice. She could hear him breathing fast like he was exercising.

"I can't Damon, I'm not a Targaryen. I'm not like dad." Elena dodged yet another huge chuck of stone that fell down beside her. The cracks in the ceiling became bigger and bigger. She saw the stones break and heard them groan as they started to shift.

"The fire didn't burn you, did it? That only happens with Targaryens, Elena." He sounded frustrated. "Just transform into a dragon, dammit! Feel the fire and make it your slave!"

Elena closed her eyes, focusing on the warmth colliding and waving against her skin. It was soothing somehow, the feeling that it couldn't harm her. She focused on that, on the rage of the fire, on the feeling that it could destroy everything in its path. It could even destroy the whole world if it wanted to. Elena felt her hands transform into huge claws, her feathers transform into leather, smooth skin transform into huge unbreakable scales.

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