Stay with me

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Warning: this chapter contains sexual scenes, if you don't want to read that kind of stuff I will put another warning later on where you should stop reading.

"I fell in love the way you fall asleep, slowly but then all at once." -the fault in our starts

"That doll holds one of the deepest secrets about a special girl, you just have to break it when you're ready to reveal the secret" The same sentence just kept on repeating itself inside Elena's head. She still didn't understand what Gillian meant, nor did she understand why Damon got freaked out by seeing the doll.

Aemon told her that it was of her parent's, that it was what they chose to leave behind for her. But why would Damon freak out by something what her parents gave her?

It was no wonder that she got nightmares about it, sometimes the doll randomly lived and started to kill Robb or something like that.

This time Robb woke her up before that could happen by opening the door. Elena heard him close the it as silent as possible, he probably thought she was still asleep.

She heard him sigh deeply as he took his armour and boots off before he plumped down on the bed next to her.

"Elena?" He whispered as his fingers softly touched her cheek.

"Mmh?" She mumbled, her eyes still closed. She was terribly exhausted from the fight and the nights before. She hadn't gotten any proper rest in weeks.

"What is it?" Her eyes fluttered open to see Robb staring at her while his fingers still softly traced her jaw.

"Nothing, just wanted to see if you're all right." A smile played on his lips at the sight of her, her hair was a total mess and her face was the pure definition of tiredness.

"I'm fine." She groaned and closed her eyes again, pulling the blanket higher up her body.

"Elena?" Robb whispered again and softly pushed on her bare shoulder.

"What?" Her voice was low from sleep.

"Why don't we continue what we were doing before someone knocked on the door?" Elena could hear the smile through his voice as he again pushed her shoulder to wake her up.

"I'm tired!" Elena groaned and turned around, her back facing Robb now. She pouted and squeezed her eyes shut. "Just let me sleep."

"Yes, my lady." Robb chuckled, knowing Elena hated to be called that. He wrapped one of his arms around her and pulled her against him, burying his face in the crook of her neck.

"Maybe we should just continue it tomorrow then." Robb chuckled and kissed her neck softly. He could hear her sigh deeply, he knew he was irritating her. She never liked it when someone kept her awake. "Seeing you didn't mind it and I-"

"Co'mon!" Elena yelled and pushed him off of her. She turned around and pinned both his hands on the bed, positioning her knees on either side of his body. "Don't you ever shut up?"

Robb laughed at her, knowing he'd won this time. It was times like this when you could see that he was actually a 17 year old boy, not a king. "Well you know ways to shut me up, why don't try them?"

"Seriously?!" Elena tried to hide her smile. "I think that in the past few years you've truly lost your manners, your grace."

"Oh really?" Robb laughed at her. "Says the one who is pinning her king down on his own bed."

"Not that mind though, it's quite comfortable and I like the view from here." Robb smirked at her.

"Oh really?" Elena raised an eyebrow at him. He had always been like this before the war happened, always playing with her, pushing her limits.

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