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"I knew you were trouble when you walked in, so shame on me now."

"Just like he promised you he was telling the truth about your father?" Ramsay's words echoed through Abigail's head as she was storming towards the dungeons. She ran down the stairs, skipping almost every step.

"He's called the dark one for a reason, sweetheart." Ramsay's voice continued. Abigail growled as she ran through the hallway and towards the dungeons. She had known for a while that she couldn't possibly trust her uncle to follow their agreement.

Not that all that mattered to her on that moment.

"Louis?!" Abigail fiddled with the lock, trying to get it to open. She didn't have the key nor did she know who had it.

"Not this time, door." Abigail growled and stepped away, aiming at the door with her hands. She closed her eyes and concentrated, immediately feeling every part of the door. She opened the lock with her mind, hearing the loud klick as it opened.

"Louis?" Abigail stepped inside the dungeons, looking around for him. He wasn't hanging in his usual spot, his chains were loose and dangling.

"Louis!" Her eyes had followed a trail of blood until they found his body, leaning against the wall with his hands resting on his bloodied chest.

"Dear god, please tell me you're okay." Abigail ran towards his side and checked for a pulse, her cold fingers touching his neck.

"Abigail?" Louis' eyes slowly opened to meet hers, a soft chuckle coming from his lips when he recognized her green eyes. "Came to finish the job?" Louis chuckled and closed his eyes again.

"Was killing my whole family not enough for you?" Louis continued when Abigail didn't say anything. "Was burning them in their own home not enough to satisfy your bloodlust?"

"Louis..." Abigail whispered, letting a tear escape from her eyes as she placed her hand against his hot cheek.

"Just kill me, I'm already done for. You know that." Louis spit out the words, looking up at her with disgust in his eyes. "You are with him, aren't you? Doing the Dark One's dirty work."

"What the hell does it look like I'm doing?!" Abigail half shouted as she looked at his blue eyes. "I made a mistake and I'm trying to make up for it."

"A mistake? Yeah, of course, just a small mistake. All you did was burn some innocent people with their brother watching, nothing more." Louis growled but then groaned in pain, his hands grasping at his flesh wound.

"I really did love you." Louis whispered after he had recovered a bit from the pain. His eyes teared up, his voice soft and gentle. "I loved you more than anything else."

Abigail sadly smiled and nodded, softly stroking his cheek.

"But then you betrayed me." Louis growled again, his voice dangerously low. His eyes narrowed at her. "Why did you do it?! Why?!"

"I didn't have any other choice." Abigail whispered while more tears started to run down her cheek. She pushed Louis back down when he tried to grasp her neck, not to protect herself but to make sure he didn't hurt himself any further.

"Bullshit!" Louis yelled and struggled, his jaw clenching to try and ease the pain. He then calmed down a bit, now only glaring up at her with all the hatred he had left. "You owe me the truth, Abigail, tell me why you did it!"

Abigail nodded and closed her eyes, her hand sweeping away the tears that were rolling down her cheeks uncontrollably. "The Dark One commanded me to do it, in return I could get my revenge against my father."

The Guardian of the North (Robb Stark) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now