Dead man walking

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"We accept the love we think we deserve - perks of being a wallflower

"Elena? Where are you?" A voice called her name, he sounded far away. Elena opened her eyes slowly, letting them adjust to the darkness around her. She felt smaller than she was, she immediately knew she was dreaming when she felt that there were no chains around her arms or legs.

"Come on out!" A voice called. She recognized it but yet she couldn't name the man who it was. Her eyes were looking through a hole in a wooden plank, her body hidden behind it.

The girl giggled, crawling further into the hole in the wall. Her tiny arms propped her body up so she could look through the tiny hole she made where she could see through. She saw her brother on the other side of the plank, searching with a wide grin on his face.

"All right, you win." Ethan chuckled as he continued to search the room for his younger sister. He looked under one of the three beds in the tiny room and found that she wasn't there. Ethan chuckled when he heard his sisters giggles coming from the other side of the wall.

"Elena?" He slowly spoke out her name, his feet carrying him towards the wall. He crouched down before it, his dark locks falling before his green eyes. He smiled widely, knowing that he finally found her.

"FOUND YOU!" Ethan yelled when he looked through the hole in the wall, his dimples showing on his cheeks. The girl let out a loud shriek, her body jolting backwards. Elena giggled and crawled towards her brother, lifting the plank that had been concealing her before away so she could reach him.

"You keep on getting better at this, little sister." Ethan smiled when Elena had jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly as he lifted her up from the ground. He stroked her soft hair while his other arm supported her weight. "Especially for a girl of 4 years old, you're pretty smart, aren't you?"

"Father would've been proud of you." Ethan smiled at her, carrying her out of their house that consisted out of one room. To say they were poor would've been an understatement, their father never provided them of anything and their mother didn't earn very much money. When Ethan reached the age, he became the blacksmith's apprentice so he could make sure their sister got everything she needed.

"Someday I want to be like you." Elena smiled, baring her teeth. At that time she was missing 6 different teeth, her voice was high pitched and her taste still girly.

"Like me?" Ethan chuckled at her. "No, no. Someday you're going to be the first female guardian to become a legend."

"Damon?" Ethan frowned when he saw Damon returning from his work. Which was unusual, Damon never worked. All he did was hang out with his friends, mostly stealing stuff or breaking everything in his path.

"Damon, what is it?" Ethan frowned when he saw the look on his brother's face. He held Elena tighter against him, trying to protect his sister from the horror that Damon brought.

Tears started to flow down his cheeks as Damon looked up at Ethan and Elena. Ethan immediately knew something had gone terribly wrong, Damon never cried.

"It's mother." Damon sobbed, his whole body shaking as he looked at his siblings. "She's dead."


"Wake up!" Ramsay grinned and poured a bucket full of ice cold water over Elena and then Louis. "It's a new and wonderful morning."

Elena groaned, her body shivering. She hadn't noticed that she had fallen asleep, probably not for long. It was already morning before she dozed away, she remembered the strays of sunlight shining through the tiny window.

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