A slight chance

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How desperate are you, you call on such lost creatures to defend you. -Loki, Avengers

Elena had been flying for god knows how long, her wings were trembling with each swing they made. Her breath came out in short, raspy puffs. That all didn't matter for her though, no, she was determined to deliver that letter.

After a while she finally saw the Red Keep arising in the distance. Elena would've probably never admitted it, but she did sigh in relief when she arrived. The salty air filled her nose while she looked at the sea. King's Landing was truly beautiful, pity that there were so many despicable people living in it.

She clutched onto the letter Robb had given her. She felt this wave of rage just thinking about him. Elena would make Tywin, Roose Bolton and all those other traitors pay for what they had done, even if it was the last thing she would ever do.

Elena, being the rebellious woman that she is, wanted to make an entrance no one would ever forget. She landed right in front of the doors of the throne room, the area where she landed was immediately covered with a layer of ice which continued to expand around her. Many people scurried away and yelled when they saw her coming. They didn't know what was happening, they had never seen something like her before.

They knew she was their enemy since the wolf of Winterfell was visible on her harness, which had been made especially for her. Elena wore a deep blue shirt under it. She had a belt around her waist, holding it al together with two swords hanging from it. Above all that she had a cape, its hood hiding her face from everyone's sight.

Elena looked at all the citizens around her, thinking about how miserable their lifes must be under the rule of the Lannisters. Though many of those people were scared off her, the guards did move towards her, ready to attack.

Without a second thought Elena opened both doors of the great hall and walked into the throne room. She saw Tommen, the new king, sitting on the Iron Throne. He didn't look very mighty, being a child and all. He didn't look cruel or any of these things his brother was, no, Tommen looked innocent, sweet and righteous. Next to him stood his grandfather Tywin.

Elena had to hold herself in, she knew she couldn't kill Tywin right there and then. She first had to try and make them accept Robb's peace terms and end the war. Nevertheless this rage welled up inside her at the mere sight of Tywin. He had arranged the whole act at the Twins, that much she knew.

Numerous gasps filled the throne room as Elena walked towards Tommen without looking away from him. The other people in the hall scooted away from her and her huge wings, scared of her.

"Stop." One of the kingsguard spoke up with a trembling voice when Elena was halfway through the hall. The other kingsguards raised their swords at her, all of them also trembling. They had never seen a guardian before, but they knew she was one. They where afraid because they did not know what powers she had. Elena smiled even though no one could see it.

"What have you come to do here?" Tommen asked in confusion, the hood Elena wore hid the Stark's sigil from their sight.

 Elena looked up at the little king sitting on the Iron Throne. It was actually quite a funny sight. "End the war."


"You know, pacing won't help anything." Gillian sighed while leaning against a closet. Robb was pacing in front of him, mumbles falling off his lips every now and then.

"She should've been back by now." Robb murmured. It had been three days since Elena had left. Robb had barely slept in those days, all he could think about was Elena. Every time he closed his eyes he saw Tywin murdering Elena in the most horrible ways possible.

The Guardian of the North (Robb Stark) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now